Earlier this year we asked you to vote online to choose the cover image for our 2019 Calendar. Thousands of you voted and we're delighted to reveal that the runaway winner is this fabulous image of Helenium hybrids, by Sarah Cuttle. View the three runner-up images - all beautiful - below.


Our 2019 Calendar is packed with 11 more gorgeous garden images. Pick up your calendar free with the December issue of BBC Gardeners' World Magazine, available Thursday 22 November, 2018. This extra-special festive edition is full of advice on creating natural Christmas decorations, gift guides, Monty’s tips on giving garden birds the five-star treatment, Carol’s guide to rose pruning, festive houseplant care and much else besides.

Don't miss out on your December issue and free calendar.

Runners up

Meconopsis baileyi

Many of you voted for the image of the blue Himalayan poppy, Meconopsis baileyi by Jason Ingram, which perfectly captures the richness and delicacy of this herbaceous perennial. Find it on the May page of your calendar.

Meconopsis baileyi
Meconopsis baileyi

Cosmos bipinnatus 'Dazzler'

This image of 'Dazzler', a vibrant pink variety of cosmos, was popular with good reason. You'll find it on the July page of your 2019 Calendar. Photograph: Kanpichaya Sooktae/Alamy.

Cosmos bipinnatus
Cosmos bipinnatus

Tulipa 'Ballerina'

This stunning image by Gardeners' World Magazine reader David Vaughan really struck a chord. Enjoy it right through April.

Tulip ballerina
Tulip 'Ballerina'