In August, it's peak production in the kitchen garden as fruit and veg harvests keep coming thick and fast. Watch Monty's August advice for growing fruit and vegetables, from keeping your tomatoes in good health and harvesting carrots and potato crops, to protecting grapes from garden pests.


More fruit and veg advice

Common problems with tomatoes

Monty investigates the problems with his tomato crop which include blossom end rot, split fruit and green fruit that aren't ripening.

Harvesting carrots and potatoes

In this clip, Monty starts to harvest his 'Nigel' carrots and explains how to avoid carrot fly damage. Then he digs up his purple 'Violetta' potatoes, giving tips on how to prepare them for storage.

Protecting grapes from birds and wasps


In the greenhouse, Monty shows how he plans to protect his grapes from birds and wasps.

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