It's April, the sun is shining (at least some of the time!) and the garden is full of life and colour again. Looking for some inspiration for what to plant in the garden now? Discover Monty's planting advice for April, in this collection of video clips from Gardeners' World.


More planting inspiration:

Planting candelabra primulas

Monty plants candelabra primulas to add some colour beside the pond. He chooses Primula wilsonii var. anisodora with its rich burgundy blooms, Primula pulverulenta or the mealy primrose, which has magenta flowers, and the warm orange tones of Primula bulleyana. These primulas thrive in moist conditions and will flower from the end of May into June.

Growing different types of peony

Monty believes anyone can grow peonies. In this Gardeners' World clip, he explains the difference between three types of peony: tree peonies, herbaceous peonies and intersectional peonies, and discusses their different planting requirements. He plants Paeonia lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfield' (an herbaceous peony) and Paeonia 'Scarlet Heaven' (an intersectional peony).

Planting perennials in the dry border

Do you ever wonder what to plant in very poor, dry soil in full sun? Monty suggests perennials that will thrive in these conditions, as he adds new plants to the dry garden. He has chosen Verbascum 'Christo's Yellow Lightning', a perennial verbascum, and Cephalaria gigantea, a pale yellow giant scabious. Both should grow well in this demanding environment.
