The power of birdsong with David Lindo
Urban birder David Lindo explains how birdsong has helped him through lockdown, and offers tips on how we can all learn birdsong in our own gardens.
Why do birds sing – and why do we find it so calming? Bird expert David Lindo reveals what's behind the power of birdsong, how it helped him through lockdown, and why it's so good for our mental health. He shares his way of learning birdsong, so you can get closer to the birdlife in your back garden.
Listen now to this fascinating discussion between David Lindo and Kate Bradbury, contributing wildlife editor at BBC Gardeners' World Magazine:
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Find out more
- David Lindo's website
- RSPB bird song
- Dawn chorus (You Tube)
- The language of birds (British Library)
- Nine ideas for front gardens
- Identify bird song (Woodland Trust)
- Understanding birds (British Trust for Ornithology)
- Birdsong (Aberystwyth University research)
- Natural History Museum on the wellbeing effects of birdsong
- How to attract birds to your garden
- Six of the best bird box cameras
- Film – The Big Year: Jack Black
Are you a keen wildlife gardener? Why not take part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch on Friday 28th to Sunday 30th January 2022?
Sadly, birdlife in the UK is struggling and according to the RSPB, our bird population has declined by a staggering 38 million over the last 50 years.
The RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch, is now in its 43rd year and a great way for wildlife enthusiasts to get involved as citizen scientists and keep an eye on visiting garden birds. Last year over a million people took part, which helped the RSPB create an accurate picture of how our feathered friends are getting on, as well as highlighting which species most need our help.
Find out more about taking part in the Big Garden Birdwatch.
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