Tea-break tutorials with Alan Titchmarsh: episodes 13-16 – exclusively for subscribers
In this podcast series, which is free exclusively for subscribers, Alan Titchmarsh shares his no-nonsense solutions to common gardening problems.
Take a tea break and join Alan Titchmarsh in this podcast series, which is free exclusively for subscribers. Alan guides you through a host of subjects that both inspire and infuriate gardeners. From tackling pests organically, to growing the perfect tomatoes, and a whole lot more, Alan shares his no-nonsense advice in bite-sized episodes.
Subscribers can listen to this series for free, through our website, or the series will be available for a fee through Apple Premium Podcasts. Look forward to new episodes each Monday.
- Listen to episodes one-five, about taking cuttings, plants for shade, and growing herbs, potatoes, wisteria.
- Listen to episodes six-eight, about making compost, ripening tomatoes and tackling weeds.
- Listen to episodes nine-twelve, about sowing in autumn, reviving your lawn, growing sweet peas and choosing a tree.
Episode sixteen – Taking hardwood cuttings

Alan reveals why hardwood cuttings are the easiest way to make new plants - no special kit required - and save yourself a load of money in return for just a bit of care and patience! You've nothing to lose and lots of pleasure to gain...
Episode fifteen – What to prune in winter

Get your gardening gloves on and gather your tools to do some invigorating winter pruning of shrubs and climbers. Winter pruning stimulates new growth so listen to Alan’s guide to which plants to prune and which to leave. With a few clear rules to follow you’ll be pruning with confidence to improve the shape, health and even flowering of climbers, shrubs, fruit trees and roses.
Episode fourteen – How to plant a shrub

Discover from Alan why autumn is the perfect season for planting shrubs – and how to ensure your investment pays you back for years of pleasure to come.
Episode thirteen – Growing soft fruit

Add tasty soft fruits to your harvest with Alan’s guide to growing soft fruit, even in the smallest space. Alan will help you with choosing and growing berries and currants in all their forms. Learn to prune them properly, keep the birds off them and look forward to picking plenty of juicy fruits for delicious desserts, berries to add to your breakfast cereal, or preserve as jam.