Tea-break Tutorials with Alan Titchmarsh – on Apple Premium
In this exclusive Apple Podcasts series, Alan Titchmarsh shares his no-nonsense solutions to common gardening problems.
Take a tea break and join Alan Titchmarsh in this new and exclusive Apple Podcasts series, as he guides you through a host of subjects that both inspire and infuriate gardeners.
From tackling pests organically, to growing the perfect tomatoes, and a whole lot more, Alan shares his no-nonsense advice in bite-sized episodes – just the amount of time it will take you to sit down and enjoy that nice cup of tea.
This series is offered through a paid-for subscription service but you can sign up now and enjoy a one week free trial. Look forward to new episodes each Thursday.
Episode 9 – what to prune in winter

Get your gardening gloves on and gather your tools to do some invigorating winter pruning of shrubs and climbers. Winter pruning stimulates new growth – discover Alan's guide to which plants to prune and which to leave. With a few clear rules to follow you'll be pruning with confidence to improve the shape, health and even flowering of climbers, shrubs, fruit trees and roses.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.
Find out more:
- Nine tips for winter pruning
- How to winter-prune trees and shrubs
- Tips for winter pruning dormant plants
- What to prune in winter
Episode 8 – how to grow soft fruit

Add tasty soft fruits to the harvest with Alan's guide to growing soft fruit, even in the smallest space. Alan will help you with choosing and growing berries and currants in all their forms. Learn to prune them properly, keep the birds off them and look forward to picking plenty of juicy fruits for delicious desserts, berries to add to your breakfast cereal, or preserve as jam.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.
Find out more:
- Fruits for small gardens
- How to grow raspberries
- Currants and gooseberries to grow
- Guide to pruning bush fruit
Episode 7 – how to choose the right tree

Choose the right tree for your garden without fear of too much shade or root invasion. Alan says ‘no garden is too small for a tree’ so let him help you add stature and enrich your garden with wildlife. Discover how trees can provide fruit, nuts and even garden stakes. With Alan’s extra tips on planting you’ll be able to establish a strong, long lasting tree.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.
Find out more:
- Best trees for a small garden
- Dwarf fruit trees
- How to plant trees
- Alan Titchmarsh's five favourite trees
Episode 6 – how to compost

Save pounds by turning your garden waste into soil enriching compost with Alan’s easy guide to home composting. Use his advice to design the best compost heap for your garden. Mix the green waste with the brown, and the heap will be cooking up barrow loads of organic gold to use in the garden. So listen to Alan and don’t waste your waste.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.
Find out more:
- How to build a compost bin
- How to make compost
- Solving problems with compost
- Adding shreddings to a compost bin
Episode 5 – how to succeed with roses

Fill your garden with a sumptuous, scented display of rose blooms next summer with Alan’s essential guide to growing roses. Get help with choosing which kind of rose to buy, where to plant them and how to prepare the perfect soil. Alan has plenty of useful tips on looking after this iconic flower, and he’ll make sure you know exactly what to do should any problems arise.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.
Find out more:
Episode 4 – how to tackle weeds organically

Arm yourself to tackle the weeds in your borders by joining Alan for his military briefing on how to outwit those pesky plant invaders and win the battle. With his tips on tools, types of weeds, timing and what to do about the worst weed culprits, you’ll soon agree that chemical-free weed control can be a pleasant gardening experience rather than a hopeless chore.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.
Find out more:
- How to weed by hand
- How to deal with annual and perennial weeds
- Homemade weed killers
- Weed seedling identifier
Episode 3 – how to grow in shade

Transform the shady areas of your garden with Alan’s advice on how to see those tricky sites as a wonderful planting opportunity. Be guided through how to identify what kind of shade you have, and find plenty of plants that will flourish in all those different degrees of light and moisture. Turn your shady borders into the highlight of your garden.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.
Find out more:
- Five tips for planting in shade
- Best shrubs to grow in shade
- The best shade loving plants
- Types of garden shade
Episode 2 – how to revive your lawn

Revive your lawn with a few simple steps. Whether you’re after a close cut lawn with perfect stripes or a longer, more wild effect, let Alan help you make a plan of action to keep it in top condition. Plan the timing, add some extra jobs to the regular mowing, and you’ll be showing off a perfectly green and robust lawn which sets off the rest of the garden.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.
Find out more:
Episode 1 – how to take cuttings
Want to generate new plants for free by taking softwood cuttings? Discover which plants you can take cuttings of now, plus everything you need for guaranteed success. In this episode, Alan guides you step-by-step through his simple process to make new plants from fuchsias, penstemons, lavender, hebes and more. Save money, garden more sustainably and enjoy sharing your new plants with family and friends following Alan’s tips and tricks.
Listen now to this practical how-to podcast episode from Alan Titchmarsh.