What to plant in April
Find out which flowers, vegetables and fruits you can plant in April.
April is a busy time in ornamental and vegetable gardens in the UK, as lots of seeds can be sown this month. Now, the days are longer and warmer reliably. April is the month to make tentative sowings of some seeds outside, while others can be started under glass and planted out after all risk of frost has passed. In the vegetable garden, crops such as carrots and peas can be sown direct outside. In contrast, tender crops like sweetcorn and courgettes should be sown under cover and kept in either a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill before planting out in May. April is also the month for planting potatoes, as well as onions sets, shallots and garlic, and Jerusalem artichokes. Many vegetables can be grown in pots, including carrots, salads and radish. Even if you have a dedicated veg patch, it's still worth growing some extras in pots, too, near the house for easy picking.
While bare-root planting season is over, potted fruit trees and bushes such as currants, gooseberry, citrus and fig trees can be planted at any time of year. In the ornamental garden, annual climbers like canary creeper (Tropaeolum peregrinum) and Spanish flag (Ipomoea lobata) can be sown now for summer container displays, while others like cosmos and field poppies can be sown to fill gaps in borders. Summer-flowering bulbs and corms such as eucomis, gladiolus and freesias can be planted in containers and placed outside once the risk of frost is over.
You will need:
Many seeds can be sown outside at this time of year, but with frosts still likely in April, you might find that it's worth investing in additional kit, which we've suggested below.
- Cold frames: if you’re prepared to add a bit of extra insulation, a cold frame offers some protection against frost and can help hardy seeds get off to a flying start, too – check out our pick of the best garden cold frames.
- Greenhouses: for those of you who have been toying with the idea of a greenhouse, we’ve got handy guides packed with information about how to choose the best greenhouse, as well as 12 of the most useful greenhouse accessories. No outside space? No problem – our round-up of the best indoor greenhouses is just for you.
Vegetables to grow in April
Aubergines, chillies and tomatoes

When to harvest: July to October.
How to grow: April is your last chance to sow these tender fruits, which need a long growing season to do well. Sow seeds indoors on a heated propagator to speed up germination or, if time is tight, wait until next month and buy ready-to-plant plug plants from the garden centre.
- How to grow aubergines, chillies and tomatoes
- Buy aubergine seeds from Suttons, Thompson & Morgan and Dobies
- Buy chilli seeds from Suttons and Dobies
- Buy tomato seeds from Suttons, Thompson & Morgan and Crocus

When to harvest: June to October.
How to grow: beetroot is an easy crop to grow, making it ideal for beginners. It will grow in any fertile, well-drained soil and also does well in pots (in pots, choose varieties that are less prone to bolting as these will tolerate the drier conditions of a container better than others). Follow the spacing instructions on the packet and thin the seedlings to about 10cm when they are around 3cm high. Harvest when the beetroots have reached the size of a golf ball.
- How to grow beetroot
- Buy beetroot seeds from Suttons, Gardening Direct and Thompson & Morgan

When to harvest: May to October.
How to grow: sow carrots on well-prepared soil that's free of stones – stony soil can result in forked carrots. Carrots also grow well in containers – choose short, round varieties or harvest longer varieties as baby carrots. At this time of year, it's a good idea to protect against carrot fly by putting up a barrier such as horticultural fleece around the crop. Your crop should be ready to harvest three to four months after sowing.
- How to grow carrots
- Buy carrot seeds from Dobies, Van Meuwen and Suttons

When to harvest: October to March.
How to grow: celeriac needs a long growing season for an autumn/winter harvest, so sow now, under cover. Transfer the seedlings to individual pots when they're large enough to handle.
- How to grow celeriac
- Buy celeriac seeds from Suttons, Thompson & Morgan and Dobies
Courgettes, squashes, and cucumbers

When to harvest: July to October.
How to grow: courgettes, cucumbers, pumpkins, squashes and marrows are known as curcurbits. They can all be sown in the same way – in individual 5cm pots under cover. Plant outside once all risk of frost has passed (cucumbers do best in a greenhouse).
- How to grow courgettes, cucumbers, pumpkins and squashes
- Buy courgette and marrow seeds from Suttons and Crocus
- Buy pumpkin, squash and courgette seeds from Thompson & Morgan
- Buy cucumber seeds from Suttons and Gardening Direct
- Buy pumpkin and squash seeds from Suttons and Dobies

When to harvest: August to January.
How to grow: for an autumn harvest, leeks can be sown in shallow drills direct in the ground from April or in seed trays under cover to plant out later.
- How to grow leeks
- Buy leek seeds from Crocus, Dobies, Thompson & Morgan and Suttons

When to harvest: May to November.
How to grow: lettuce is best sown under cover, in seed trays or modules, and planted out when large enough to handle. This can give them a head start on slugs and snails, which seem to find young lettuce growth irresistible. Alternatively, sow lettuces in pots and protect the seedlings using copper tape or by hand-picking slugs and snails when you see them.
- How to grow lettuce
- Buy lettuce seeds from Suttons, Thompson & Morgan, Crocus and Dobies

When to harvest: June to October.
How to grow: peas are easy to grow and can be harvested early in summer, making them a welcome early crop. You can sow them direct outside, but they may be eaten by mice – if this is a problem, sow them indoors and plant the plants outside when they are 15cm tall. Alternatively, sow in guttering and transplant the whole row of seedlings into a trench when they're ready.

When to harvest: May to December.
How to grow: radishes make a fast-growing 'catch crop', growing on ground that's empty for a few weeks or between slower-growing crops, such as parsnips. They also grow well in pots. Sow direct every three to four weeks for a continuous supply throughout summer.

When to harvest: May to October, October to April.
How to grow: spinach can be sown directly outside in April, but if it's chilly, hold off until May or cover with horticultural fleece. Bear in mind that spinach needs lots of moisture and protection from slugs and snails.
Swiss chard

When to harvest: June to November.
How to grow: Swiss chard is a beautiful crop for a sunny or partially shaded spot and can be sown directly outside in April.
- How to grow Swiss chard
- Buy Swiss chard seeds from Suttons, Dobies and Crocus

When to harvest: March to December.
How to grow: turnips are quick-growing, ready to harvest in just six weeks. They can also be grown in pots. Harvest them when they are around the size of a golf ball for the best flavour, or eat the leaves as greens. Keep well watered.
- How to grow turnips
- Buy turnip seeds from: Dobies, Suttons and Thompson & Morgan
Fruit to grow in April

When to harvest: June to September.
How to grow: strawberry runners can be planted in April and will fruit within a few weeks. Plant them in the ground in rows or in a bespoke 'strawberry pot' or hanging basket. Protect developing fruit from slugs and snails using straw.
- How to grow strawberries
- Buy strawberry plants from Dobies and Thompson & Morgan
Patio fruit trees

When to harvest: depends on the fruit.
How to grow: many dwarf fruit trees are suitable for growing in pots – choose a large container and use a soil-based compost, water the tree more regularly than you would if planting in the ground and top-dress with fresh compost each spring.
- How to grow dwarf fruit trees
- Buy fruit trees from Dobies and Thompson & Morgan
Flowers to grow in April

Flowers: May to September.
How to grow: this short-lived, majestic perennial is perfect for providing height at the back of beds and borders. Sow under cover from March to May and transplant when all risk of frost has passed. You'll have beautiful crimson umbels from May to September, which will be covered with bees and butterflies. You could also try sowing Angelica archangelica, from May onwards.
Tobacco plant

Flowers: May to October (depending on species).
How to grow: nicotianas have a seductive fragrance, which is especially pronounced at night. Sow seed in March and April, then, after all risk of frost has passed, plant out in their final position around seating areas so you can enjoy the scent on summer evenings. Nicotiana sylvestris has elegant, drooping flowers, while those of Nicotiana alata 'Tinkerbell' are an attractive terracotta colour.
- How to grow Nicotiana
- Buy Nicotiana from Crocus, Suttons and Thompson & Morgan

Flowers: June to October.
How to grow: cosmos come in a beautiful array of colours and shapes, including perfumed chocolate cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus) and many cultivars of Cosmos bipinnatus. Here are 10 beautiful cosmos to grow.
- How to grow cosmos
- Buy Cosmos from Thompson & Morgan, Suttons and Crocus

Flowers: May to August.
How to grow: several types of poppy can be grown from seed, including orange California poppies (Eschscholzia californica), field poppies (Papaver rhoeas) and larger opium poppies (Papaver somniferum). They can all be sown from March to May, for flowers in summer and autumn.
- How to grow poppies
- Buy poppy seeds from Crocus, Thompson & Morgan and Suttons
Bunny's tail grass

Flowers: July to September.
How to grow: aptly known as the bunny's tail grass, Lagurus ovatus is a pleasing partner to other annuals and perennials like Verbena bonariensis. Sow indoors, in pots or trays sited in a warm place. Alternatively, direct the sow seeds outdoors from April onwards, where you want them to flower.
- Buy bunny tails from Suttons and Thompson & Morgan
Bee balm

Flowers: June to September.
How to grow: bee balm (such as Monarda didyma 'Cambridge Scarlet' above) can be sown from late winter to spring. Keep the soil moist and cover the seeds to stop them drying out. Pot up the seedlings when large enough to handle, then plant out in full sun or partial shade.
- How to grow bee balm
- Buy Monarda seeds from Thompson & Morgan and Dobies
Spanish flag

Flowers: June to September.
How to grow: Spanish flag (Ipomoea lobata) is a vigorous annual climber, producing cascades of fiery red and yellow flowers, which look fantastic in annual container displays. Sow it under cover from March to May, then plant out after the last frosts.
- How to grow Ipomoea lobata
- Buy Ipomoea lobata seeds from Dobies and Sarah Raven
Pineapple lily

Flowers: July to September.
How to grow: exotic pineapple lilies (Eucomis) are usually planted in spring. Plant the bulbs 15cm deep in pots in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse, and plant out or move pots into the garden when all risk of frost has passed.
- How to grow eucomis
- Buy eucomis bulbs from Crocus, Farmer Gracy and Sarah Raven

Flowers: May to August.
How to grow: plant corms in a pot and keep them in a frost-free place. Gladioli can be planted outside from next month, once the risk of frost is over. Grow gladioli in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Divide congested clumps every few years.
- How to grow gladioli
- Buy gladioli corms from Farmer Gracy and Sarah Raven

Flowers: June to July.
How to grow: plant 'prepared' Freesia corms this month, outside in well-drained soil or in containers with the pointy-end up, at a depth of 3-5cm, and spaced 5cm apart. Water well and then stand the pot in a cool, shaded, frost-free place – a temperature of around 5°C is ideal. When shoots appear after 3-4 weeks, move containers into a warm and sunny position.
- How to grow Freesia
- Buy Freesia corms from Crocus, Sarah Raven and Thompson & Morgan
Trees and shrubs to plant in April
Evergreen shrubs

How to grow: April is a good time to plant evergreen shrubs. Firstly, dig a hole that's 50 per cent wider than the pot and fork compost into the base, making sure the hole depth equals the depth of the pot. Next, soak the rootball before planting and soak the hole, too, thoroughly wetting both. Tease out the roots from the bottom of the plant. Place the shrub in the centre of the hole, then backfill with soil and firm in thoroughly.
- How to plant evergreen flowering shrubs
- Buy evergreens from J.Parker’s and Thompson & Morgan