Strawberries are easy to grow and do well in containers, as long as you give them rich, fertile soil and a sunny position. Strawberry planters take up very little space and can easily fit on a balcony or patio so anyone, no matter how small their apsce can have a go at growing their own.


One advantage of growing strawberries in a planter is that the ripening fruit doesn't fall onto the ground, so is therefore less likely to be spattered by mud or munched by hungry slugs and snails. You can also give your plants the exact conditions they love, moving them into the sun to ripen the fruit, jus when they need it.

Bear in mind that whatever the type of strawberry planter you choose, you will need to water your strawberries regularly to keep them hydrated. It's also important to feed strawberries weekly with a high potash fertiliser during the growing season, to ensure a good crop.

More on growing strawberries:

Find out which strawberry planter is best for you, below.

Growing bag

Growing strawberries in a growing bag
The best containers for strawberries - growing bag

Size: 95cm x 35cm (33 litres)

Number of plants: 6

A traditional grow-bag with planting holes cut into the plastic.

Advantages: Cheap, and contains slow-release food that will last for six weeks.

Things to consider: It takes up quite a lot of floor space. Raise it up to keep fruit away from slugs. Not the most attractive option.

Buy growing bags from Amazon

Bespoke strawberry planter

Strawberry planter
The best containers for strawberries - small planter with side planting pockets

Size: 35cm x 35cm

Number of plants: 8

A classic strawberry planter, which can be planted in the top as well as in pockets dotted around the side.

Advantages: They look attractive and a good-sized pot holds plenty of plants. These strawberry planters also produced the highest yield of strawberries, in our trial.

Things to consider: Planting pockets can be prone to drying out.

Buy strawberry planters from Homebase

Pop-up trug on legs

Growing strawberries in a pop up trug
The best containers for strawberries - pop-up trug

Size: 60cm x 35cm x 25cm; height 80cm

Number of plants: 8

A free standing ‘V’ shaped planter on legs. Ours was foldable and the planter itself made of felt.

Advantages: Great for a small space and practical if you find bending difficult.

Things to consider: Doesn't hold water well. May be unstable in a windy spot.

Buy a pop up trug on Amazon

Hanging basket

Growing strawberries in a hanging basket
The best containers for strawberries - hanging basket

Size: 40cm diameter

Number of plants: 6

A standard wire basket, lined with coir.

Advantages: An interesting change to a traditional hanging basket and fruit is kept away from slugs.

Things to consider: Hanging baskets need regular watering and feeding as plants are growing in a limited amount of compost

Buy hanging baskets and liners on Amazon

Terracotta pot

Strawberries in a terracotta pot
The best containers for strawberries - terracotta pot

Size: 25cm x 25cm

Number of plants: 3

A simple glazed terracotta pot

Advantages: This size of pot is perfect for a patio or step.

Things to consider: This growing method produced the smallest crop in our trial, so plant up several planters for a bigger yield. Terracotta pots dry out quickly.

Buy terracotta pots from Waitrose Garden

Window box

Growing strawberries in a window box
The best containers for strawberries - window box

Size: 60cm x 15cm x 18cm

Number of plants: 4

A standard clay window box

Why choose: A slim, compact shape for a windowsill or a balcony.

Things to consider: You'll get a small crop – so if you can, plant up several planters.


Buy window boxes from Primrose
