Purple-flowered plants add depth and often a touch of class to garden colour schemes, and pair with a wide range of other coloured plants, from whites and pastels to hot reds and orange flowers. The colour purple is also extremely attractive to bees and other pollinators, which many species of bee and butterfly can see better than other colours such as red. Purple flowered plants like foxgloves, teasel, globe thistle and alliums are excellent pollinator plants.


For a striking pot or border display, try combining purple flowers with the acid greens of Alchemilla mollis, or euphorbias like Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae. Red poppies and orange kniphofias would also work well here.

For a more classic look, combine different shades of purple flowers with pink, blue and white-flowered plants.

We list some of our favourite plants with purple flowers to grow, below.


Teasel, Dipsacus fullonum
Teasel flower head

The teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) is a UK native biennial, bearing tall spikes of brush-like flower heads with purple blooms, popular with bees and butterflies. Goldfinches eat the seed in winter. Grow at the back of a border or in a wild part of the garden.

Height x Spread: 1.8m x 80cm
Flowers: Jul to Aug

Sweet rocket

Sweet rocket, Hesperis matrionalis
Sweet rocket flowers

Sweet rocket, Hesperis matrionalis is a pretty, white- or purple-flowered biennial, with a fantastic evening fragrance. It looks good when allowed to drift, naturally, through an informal sunny or partially shaded border, especially in a cottage garden or wildlife garden scheme. Sow seed in late spring where you want it to flower, in sun or partial shade.

H x S: 1m x 45cm
Flowers: May to June


Allium 'Venus'
Allium flowers

Most ornamental alliums range in colour from white, through to pink and purple. They're especially popular with pollinating insects and provide interest in borders with their drumstick-shaped blooms.

H x S: 90cm x 20cm
Flowers: May to June


Salvia viridis
Purple salvia flowers

Purple-flowered salvias like Salvia 'Amistad' and 'Ostfriesland' look fantastic growing in a mixed herbaceous border with other bright coloured flowers like kniphofias and rudbeckias.

H x S: 75cm x 45cm
Flowers: July to Sept


Nepeta subsessilis
Catmint flowers

Catmints are attractive perennials with fragrant foliage, bearing masses of nectar-rich flowers in summer. There are lots of types of catmint available, from smaller bushy types suitable for growing in pots, to taller varieties, perfect for growing in the middle of a border. They thrive in a position of full sun, with light, well-drained soil.

H x S: 90cm x 90cm
Flowers: June to Sept

Verbena bonariensis

Verbena bonariensis
Verbena bonariensis flowers

Verbena bonariensis is a popular garden perennial, grown for its plate-like purple flowers, which are attractive to a wide range of pollinators. It's perfect for providing both height and long-lasting colour in borders.

H x S: 1.5m x 45cm
Flowers: July to Sept


Clematis 'Burma Star'
Purple clematis flowers

There's an abundance of purple-flowered clematis to grow, with blooms from pale mauves to deep, royal purples. For spring flowers try Clematis alpina, or for summer grow a variety of Clematis viticella.

H x S: 2.5m x 1.5m
Flowers: July to Sept


Wisteria floribunda
Wisteria flowers

Wisteria bears masses of purple flowers, and is traditionally trained against the front of houses or on garden walls. Japanese wisteria is less vigorous than Chinese wisteria, and has longer flowers.

H x S: 9m x 4m
Flowers: May to June


Lavender 'Elizabeth'
Lavender flowers

Lavender has become a garden stalwart due to its rich fragrance, gorgeous purple colour and ease of growing. It's popular with pollinators, too. Grow it in full sun, in well-drained soil.

H x S: 45cm x 45cm
Flowers: July to Aug


Buddleja 'Orpheus'
Buddleia flowers

Buddleias are deciduous shrubs bearing masses of flowering panicles, which are popular with pollinators. They grow particularly well on chalky, lime-rich soils and are one of the best plants for attracting butterflies.

H x S: 4m x 4m
Flowers: July to Aug

Mountain cornflower

Purple flowers to grow - mountain cornflower
Mountain cornflower

Mountain cornflower, Centaurea montana is native to the mountain meadows and woodlands of continental Europe. It typically has grey-green, lance-shaped leaves and large, deep blue or violet flowers, borne in early summer. Bees love the flowers.

H x S: 45cm x 60cm
Flowers: May to July


Plants with purple flowers - lungwort
Lungwort flowers

The lungwort, Pulmonaria spp., is named after its mottled leaves, which are supposed to resemble lungs. Funnel-shaped flowers are borne in shades of blue, violet, pink, purple, red and white. They’re extremely attractive to bees, particularly the hairy footed flower bee, Anthophora plumipes.

H x S: 30cm x 30cm
Flowers: February to April

Globe thistle

Purple flowers to grow - globe thistle
Globe thistle flowers

Globe thistles, Echinops spp., bear spiky leaves and bristly metallic blue flowers, making them a great architectural choice for the back of a sunny border.

H x S: 90cm x 45cm
Flowers: July to Aug

Perennial wallflower

Purple flowers to grow - perennial wallflower
Perennial wallflower 'Bowles's Mauve'

Perennial wallflowers, such as Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’, are beautiful and floriferous, woody-stemmed perennials, bearing masses of mauve flowers on tall spires, for months on end. In southern regions, it flowers all year round.

H x S: 45cm x 50cm
Flowers: May to Nov

Hardy geraniums

Purple flowers to grow - hardy geraniums
Hardy geraniums

Cranesbill, or hardy geraniums, are perennial border plants with saucer-shaped flowers in shades of pink, purple and blue. They’re easy to grow, thrive in shade and flower for months. Geraniums are popular in cottage garden schemes and offer a long season of pollen and nectar for a number of pollinators, particularly bees.

H x S: 85cm x 85cm
Flowers: July to Sept

Globe artichoke

Purple flowers to grow - globe artichoke
Globe artichoke flowers

Globe artichoke, Cynara cardunculus ‘Scolymus Group’ is a dramatic perennial plant grown for its edible immature flower heads, which are produced from July onwards. It’s also highly ornamental, bearing striking silvery, thistle-like foliage and tall flower stems topped by fat thistle buds. If not harvested, these open into large purple thistle flowers which attract masses of bees.

H x S: 1.2m x 90cm
Flowers: June to Sept


Purple flowers to grow - honeywort
Honeywort flowers

Honeywort, Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’, is the perfect hardy annual for filling gaps in the ornamental border. It has gorgeous silvery blue-green leaves and pretty bell-shaped purple flowers, which are a magnet for bees. It makes a wonderful cut flower and self-seeds readily.

H x S: 60cm x 60cm
Flowers: May to Aug

Trailing bellflower

Purple flowers to grow - trailing campanula
Trailing bellflower

Hardy, vigorous and persistent, trailing bellflower, Campanula portenschlagiana, is an alpine campanula, easily grown in rock gardens, on walls, at the front of borders or even in containers. It forms a generous, dense mat of small ivy-like leaves which become hidden beneath the mass of small purple bells in summer.

H x S: 15cm x 50cm
Flowers: July to Aug

Sea holly

Purple flowers to grow - sea holly
Sea holly flowers

Eryngiums make a striking addition to dry, sunny borders and gravel gardens. They have thistle-like flowers, made up of tiny flowers packed together in a tight cluster, surrounded by a ruff of spiny bracts.

H x S: 1m x 60cm
Flowers: July to Aug

Russian sage

Russian sage flowers
Russian sage flowers

Russian sage, Perovskia atriplicifolia, is a handsome sub-shrub that reaches its peak performance towards the end of summer and into early autumn, when it produces masses of lavender-coloured flowers held on branching, aromatic stems.

H x S: 1.2m x 1m
Flowers: Aug to Sept

Cercis chinensis

Chinese red bud (Cercis chinensis. Photo: Getty Images.
Chinese red bud (Cercis chinensis). Photo: Getty Images.

Chinese redbud is a compact garden tree, with magenta pink to purple flowers appearing on bare stems in spring. These are followed by fresh green leaves, which turn yellow before falling in autumn. The variety 'Avondale' is perfect for small gardens and can even be grown in a pot.

H x S: 2.5m x 2.5m
Flowers: March to April

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Jacaranda tree in full bloom
Jacaranda tree in full bloom

Jacaranda mimosifolia is a spectacular tree, bearing masses of vibrant purple-blue flowers in late-spring and again in autumn. Native to the tropical regions of Bolivia and Argentina, it's frost-tender and needs a minimum winter temperature of 5°C. However, the dwarf grafted form, Jacaranda ‘Bonsai Blue’, makes it possible to grow jacaranda in a pot, so you can grow it outdoors in summer and move it under cover for winter.

H x S: 1.5m x 1.5m
Flowers: May to June

Liriope muscari

Liriope muscari in flower
Liriope muscari in flower

Lily turf (Liriope muscari) is a low-growing evergreen perennial with neat, grassy foliage, from which blue-purple spikes, similar to grape hyacinths, emerge in autumn. It’s perfect for growing in a mixed herbaceous border and makes excellent ground cover. Grow in well-drained soil in partial to full shade.

H x S: 30m x 45m
Flowers: Aug to Nov

Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue'

Scabious 'Butterfly Blue'
Scabious 'Butterfly Blue'

Field scabious is a native wildflower with pincushion, purple flowers that attract a wide range of pollinators. Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’ is a compact variety, bearing flowers from July to September. It's ideal for growing in a well-drained rock garden or using in a summer container display.

H x S: 40m x 40m
Flowers: July to Sept


Thalictrum delavayi flowers
Thalictrum delavayi flowers

Meadow rue (Thalictrum delavayi) is a pretty perennial with lilac to white flowers borne on purple stems – it makes an excellent cut flower. Grow in a mixed herbaceous border in moist soil in partial shade.

H x S: 1m x 50cm
Flowers: July to Sept


Crocus flowers
Crocus flowers

Crocus (Crocus tommasinianus) is a spring bulb, bearing lilac purple flowers with orange centres. It's perfect for growing in the front of a border or in pots, where its blooms attract a variety of pollinators. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun.

H x S: 10cm x 5cm
Flowers: Feb to March

Grape hyacinth

Grape hyacinth flowers
Grape hyacinth flowers

Grape hyacinths (Muscari) are small, spring bulbs with purple-blue flowers. They're perfect for growing at the front of a border, naturalised in grass or in pots. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in sun to shade.

H x S: 15cm x 15cm
Flowers: April

Verbena rigida

Verbena rigida
Verbena rigida flowers

Slender vervain (Verbena rigida), is a low-growing perennial species that produces masses of purple flowers from summer to autumn. It's perfect for growing in groups to soften the edges of borders. It also works well in gravel gardens and wildlife gardens. Grow in moist, well-drained soil.

H x S: 60cm x 40cm
Flowers: June to Sept


Purple honesty flowers and seedheads
Purple honesty flowers and seedheads

Honesty (Lunaria) is a cottage garden plant with fragrant, purple or white spring flowers. As well as providing flowers, honesty also bears translucent seed pods, which are also purple. The flowers are attractive to bees and the leaves may be used as a foodplant by caterpillars of the orange-tip butterfly. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in sun to shade.

H x S: 60cm x 40cm
Flowers: May to June

Morning glory

Morning glory pot display
Morning glory pot display

Morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor), is an annual climber with heart-shaped leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of blue, red or purple. The variety' Grandpa Ott' has particularly lush, purple blooms. Flowers are short-lived but borne in succession over a long period, giving you a beautiful display from summer to autumn. Grow in well-drained soil in full sun.

H x S: 3m x 50cm
Flowers: June to Sept

Rhodochiton atrosanguineus

Purple bell vine, Rhodochiton atrosanguineus, photographed at RHS Wisley
Purple bell vine, Rhodochiton atrosanguineus, photographed at RHS Wisley

Purple bell vine (Rhodochiton atrosanguineus) is an annual climber bearing dangling purple-black flowers from summer to autumn. Grow it in moist but well-drained soil in full sun, ideally up a trellis or arch.

H x S: 3m x 60cm
Flowers: July to Oct


Lupin 'Persian Slipper'
Lupin 'Persian Slipper'

Lupins are a cottage-garden favourite, bearing impressive spikes of pea-like flowers loved by bumblebees. They come in a variety of colours but purple types include 'The Governor' and 'Masterpiece'. Grow lupins in full sun to partial shade, in moist but well-drained soil. Protect young plants from slugs and snails.

H x S: 1.2m x 60cm
Flowers: May to June

Passion flower

Passiflora 'Amethyst'
Passiflora 'Amethyst'

Passion flowers (passiflora) are fast-growing perennial climbers with unusual flowers. The most commonly grown variety is Passiflora caerulea, which has cream-white flowers with a ring of purple filaments around the central part. for even more purple, choose Passiflora 'Amythest Lavender Lady', which has purple petals as well as filaments. Native to South America, only Passiflora caerulea is hardy, other varieties may need winter protection. Grow in full sun to partial shade, in well-drained soil in a warm, sheltered spot.

H x S: 4m x 1.5m
Flowers: July to Sept


Agapanthus flowers against a pink wall
Agapanthus flowers against a pink wall

African lily (Agapanthus), bear loose globe-shaped summer flower heads in shades of blue, purple and white, with the purple varieties, such as 'Royal Velvet' and 'Dark Silk' being some of the most dramatic looking. They work well in a mixed ornamental border and look great in containers. Grow in well-drained soil in a sheltered spot in full sun.

H x S: 60cmm x 45cm
Flowers: June to July


Foxgloves and cow parsley
Foxgloves and cow parsley

A stalwart of the late spring and early summer cottage garden, foxgloves bear pink-purple or white flowers, but some varieties, such as 'Dalmation Purple' have darker purple blooms. Bell-shaped flowers are borne on tall stems in May and June, attracting pollinators such as bumblebees.

H x S: 60cm x 40cm
Flowers: May to July


Scorpionflower (Phacelia tanacetifolia) in flower
Scorpionflower (Phacelia tanacetifolia) in flower

Often grown as a green manure, scorpionflower (Phacelia tanacetifolia) is a beautiful flower in its own right, working well in mixed ornamental borders and as a cut flower. It's extremely attractive to pollinators, particularly bumblebees. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun.

H x S: 60cm x 40cm
Flowers: June to Aug


Penstemon 'Sour Grapes'
Penstemon 'Sour Grapes'

Penstemons bear foxglove-like blooms from summer to autumn in various shades of pink, red and blue. There are some beautiful purple varieties to choose from, including 'Sour Grapes' (pictured) and 'Pensham Plum Jerkum'. The height of penstemons varies considerably, too, making them extremely versatile, with smaller varieties growing to just 20m high and taller varieties growing to around 1.5. Grow penstemons in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade.

H x S: 90cm x 30cm (average)
Flowers: July to Sept


Hellebore hybridus flower
Hellebore hybridus flower

There's a wide variety of hellebores to grow, but the darker-flowered types are all cultivars of Helleborus x hybridus, with new, darker cultivars such as 'Shades of Night' being produced each year. Easy to grow and are undemanding, hellebores do best in moist but well-drained soil in partial shade.

H x S: 45cm x 60cm
Flowers: Dec to April

Solanum crispum

Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin'
Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin'

The Chilean potato vine (Solanum crispum) is a perennial, semi-evergreen climber with lilac and yellow, potato-like flowers. It may lose its leaves in the harshest winters but is otherwise happy in UK gardens – the variety 'Glasnevin' is hardier than the species. Grow in moist but well-drained soil.

H x S: 6m x 1.8m
Flowers: June to Sept


Monarda 'On Parade'
Monarda 'On Parade'

Bergamot (Monarda didyma), has large, flamboyant flowerheads, consisting of a shaggy dome of petals over a ring of bracts (modified petals). Flowers come in a range of colours but the variety ‘On Parade’ has magenta flowers. It’s also extremely attractive to bees. Grow Monarda ‘On Parade’ in moist but well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade.

H x S: 90cm x 45cm
Flowers: July to Sept


Symphyotrichum ‘Little Carlow’
Symphyotrichum ‘Little Carlow’

Asters flower in late summer and autumn, adding a burst of colour at the end of the season. Most are purple but some varieties flower in pink and dark red, too. Grow asters in a mixed herbaceous border, in moist but well-drained soil in sun to partial shade.

H x S: 90cm x 45cm
Flowers: Augv to Oct


Hyacinthus orientalis
Hyacinthus orientalis flowers

Hyacinths are fragrant spring bulbs and easy to grow. Traditionally with purple flowers, they now have a range of flower colours including deep mauve, pink and even white. Grow hyacinths at the front of garden borders for a spring display or in pots for a fragrant splash of colour nearer the house.

H x S: 40cm x 10cm
Flowers: April

Lobelia 'Hadspen Purple'

Lobelia 'Hadspen Purple' growing with Lythrum salicaria
Lobelia 'Hadspen Purple' growing with Lythrum salicaria

Lobelias are probably best known as the bright blue bedding plants that spill over the edges of containers and hanging baskets in summer. However there are many types, with flowers ranging in colour from pink and white to red and deepest purple. Lobelia 'Hadspen Purple' is one of the best purple varieties of lobelia, adding a splash of drama to ornamental borders. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade.

H x S: 60cm x 40cm
Flowers: July to Sept

Aquilegia vulgaris 'William Guiness'

Aquilegia vulgaris 'William Guinness'
Aquilegia 'William Guiness'

Aquilegias fill the seasonal gap between the last of the spring bulbs and the main flush of summer perennials. They come in a range of different colours, and self-seed readily. Aquilegia ‘William Guiness’ produces white petals and deep purple sepals. Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil in sun to partial shade.

H x S: 1m x 50cm
Flowers: May to June

Bearded iris

Bearded iris flower
Bearded iris flower

Bearded iris (Iris germanica), is one of the most popular irises to grow, with sword-like foliage and flamboyant blooms from May to June. Each bloom is made up of large outer and inner petals, known as ruffs and falls, respectively. They come in a range of colours but purple-flowered cultivars are particularly lovely. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Make sure the rhizome is sitting above soil level and gets sun for most of the day - this will ensure it flowers reliably.

H x S: 60cm x 60cm
Flowers: May to June

Opium poppies

Papaver somniferum
Papaver somniferum flowers

The opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), is an annual with hairy, blue-green foliage and blowsy poppies in shades of purple, red, pink and white. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in sun to partial shade. Opium poppies have a tendency to self seed, or you can save the seed yourself to sow the following spring.

H x S: 1m x 50cm
Flowers: June to July

Sweet violet

Sweet violet, Viola odorata
Sweet violet, Viola odorata

Sweet violet (Viola odorata), is low growing perennial wildflower, bearing tiny, strongly scented flowers over semi-evergreen foliage. It grows well in light shade and works well as ground cover in a woodland garden or beneath shrubs.

H x S: 20cm x 30cm
Flowers: May to Oct


Cleome growing in a pot
Cleome growing with cordyline

Spider flower (Cleome hassleriana) is a tall-growing, frost-tender annual with fragrant, spidery flower heads in white, pink, or purple-pink. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Varieties 'Senorita Rosalita' and 'Violet Queen' have particularly lovely purple flowers.

H x S: 1.5m x 45cm
Flowers: July to Sept

Cobaea scandens

Cup and saucer vine, Cobaea scandens
Cup and saucer vine, Cobaea scandens

Cathedral bells (Cobaea scandens) is a perennial vine native to tropical America. In the UK it can be grown outdoors in summer, and can be overwintered if moved indoors and kept at temperatures no lower than 7C. However it's best grown as an annual and trained up a wall, fence or pergola. Cobaea scandens flowers are 8cm long, fragrant and have prominent stamens. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in full sun, or in a pot of peat-free, free draining compost. Deadhead spent blooms to prolong flowering.

H x S: 10m x 3m
Flowers: July to Oct

Sweet peas

Lathyrus odoratus 'Almost Black'
Lathyrus odoratus 'Almost Black'

Sweet peas come in a range of colours, but the purple flowered varieties are some of the most sumptuous. Purple sweet peas to choose from include 'Almost Black' (pictured), 'Pluto' and 'Noel Sutton'. Grow sweet peas in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade.

H x S: 2m x 30cm
Flowers: June to Sept
