West-facing borders receive a little shade in the mornings, followed by sunshine for the rest of the day.


Like east-facing borders, they're considered partially shady. However, as they receive hot, afternoon sun, the growing conditions are quite different between the two.

Shade-loving plants are less likely to thrive here, so it's best to stick to plants that can grow in full sun, as well as partial shade.

If you need to cover a west-facing fence or wall, take a look at this handy video on choosing climbers for a west-facing wall.

Discover some of the best plants for a west-facing border, below.

Hardy geraniums

Hardy geraniums, or cranesbills, are tolerant plants that will grow well in full sun or partial shade. If you need some inspiration, take look at these six hardy geranium planting combinations.

Hardy geranium
Pink-purple hardy geraniums


In the wild, Phlox paniculata, the species from which many cultivars derive, grows in partial shade, so a west-facing spot is ideal. Famed for their fragrance and numerous blooms.

Phlox drummondii
Pink phlox blooms


For a bit of spring colour, try tulips. Simply, plant small groups of the bulbs in bare areas of the border in autumn. For scent, check out these three richly scented tulips to grow.

Flowering tulips
Bright pink and deep burgundy tulips


There are roses to suit almost any spot in the garden. For a west-facing border, try planting a shrub rose. For a west-facing wall, rambling roses will provide quick cover – here are some of the best rambling roses to grow.

Rosa Hot Chocolate
Red rose 'Hot Chocolate'


Daffodils are invaluable for providing some cheery colour early in the year. Easy to grow and relatively inexpensive, some are scented, too. Here's how to plant daffodils in borders.

Narcissus Tete a Tete
Narcissus 'Tête-à-tête'


There are lots of campanulas you could grow in a west-facing border. For the middle of the border, try Campanula glomerata and for the back, go for a tall cultivar like 'Kent Belle'. Campanula carpatica is low-growing and can be planted at the front.

Campanula glomerata
Purple campanulas


Common jasmine, Jasminum officinale, is a vigorous climber – perfect for quickly covering a west-facing fence or wall. Aim to grow in a sheltered spot close to seating to make the most of the delicious perfume.

Jasminum officinale
Starry white jasmine flowers


Elder (Sambucus nigra) is a robust native shrub, with pretty panicles of summer flowers, followed by glossy black berries. Some beautiful cultivars are available, including 'Black Beauty' and 'Marginata'.

Sambucus Black Lace
Dark-burgundy foliage of elder 'Black Lace'


Flowering in the coldest months of the year, camellia flower buds will benefit from a bit of morning shade. If frosted, morning sun can thaw the buds too quickly, causing them to discolour and fade more quickly.

Camellia Crimson King
Camellia 'Crimson King'


Magnolias can be used to wonderful effect in a west-facing border. Depending on which magnolia you grow, you can have flowers in late-winter, spring or summer. They'll also add structure to borders and provide interest in the form of attractive branches.

Magnolia stellata
Long-petalled, white bloom of Magnolia stellata
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
Red foliage of Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'

Small trees for a west-facing border
