Some varieties of tomato are well suited to growing in hanging baskets, and this space-saving display is perfect for small gardens and balconies, especially if you want to try your hand at growing fruit and veg. Choose a sunny, sheltered site for your tomato hanging basket and keep plants well-watered. Within weeks you'll have lush plants laden with cherry fruits hanging over the sides like red jewels.


You Will Need

  • Cherry tomato plant e.g. 'Tumbling Tom' or 'Gartenperle'
  • Hanging basket and liner
  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Slow-release fertiliser

Step 1

Planting the hanging basket
Planting the hanging basket

Line your hanging basket with coir and fill with compost. Add slow-release fertiliser, and plant the tomatoes around the edge, facing outwards. Water well and allow to drain thoroughly before hanging the basket.

Kevin Smith says...

Boost your tomato crop with a regular liquid feed – just dilute the feed in water and apply it once a week. Begin to feed once tomato plants start to produce flowers, and continue through the entire growing season.