

Sun Exposure:
Dappled shade, full sun, partial shade
South facing, west facing


Prefers rich soil:
Boggy / Clay / Heavy / Moist

Gunnera tinctoria is a spectacular architectural herbaceous plant, bearing huge, rhubarb-like leaves which die down in autumn. Gunnera tinctoria is considered an invasive plant in the British Isles. A study conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society has found that Gunnera manicata was lost to cultivation soon after it was introduced and that plants thought to be Gunnera manicata are actually a hybrid of Gunnera manicata and the invasive Gunnera tinctoria. This hybrid has now been named Gunnera × cryptica.

Sales of Gunnera tinctoria and Gunnera manicata / Gunnera × cryptica are banned. Gardeners already growing these giant gunneras must ensure they don't let them spread beyond their gardens. Small gunneras, such as Gunnera magellanica and Gunnera perpensa, are not banned and are still legal to buy and grow in gardens.

If you have a gunnera in your garden and would like to remove it, the best thing to do is cut it back completely and then dig it out. Alternatively, to stop it spreading, simply cut flowerheads in summer before they set seed, and burn them on site or take them to an authorised landfill site or other suitable disposal site.

For a similar effect to gunnera, we recommend Rheum palmatum and Crambe cordifolia, which are not considered invasive.


Gunnera ‘Tinctoria’ and wildlife

Gunnera ‘Tinctoria’ has no particular known value to wildlife in the UK.

Is Gunnera ‘Tinctoria’ poisonous?

Gunnera ‘Tinctoria’ has no toxic effects reported.

No reported toxicity to:
Is not known to attract Birds
Is not known to attract Cats
Is not known to attract Dogs
Is not known to attract Horses
Is not known to attract Livestock
Is not known to attract People