Not only can you enjoy autumn colour in October, but there are plenty of scented plants to savour, too.


Discover five of our favourite scented plants for October, below.

Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance'

Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' has an impressively long flowering period, lasting from mid-spring and rounding off in October. Here's how to plant a daphne if you've recently acquired one.

Daphne x transatlantica
Pink flowers and long oval leaves of daphne

Gladiolus murielae

These bulbs produce mounds of lush, green foliage, and pretty white blooms with a heady scent. Makes a great cut flower for indoors.

Gladiolus murielae
Abyssinian gladiolus - looking like giant snowdrops

Potato vine

The potato vine, Solanum laxum, is an evergreen climber with flowers that emit a gentle jasmine-like scent. Best grown in a sheltered, sunny spot where it often blooms well into autumn.

Potato vine
Starry white flowers of potato vine


Later sown nicotianas will faithfully exude their sweet perfume up until the first frosts. Keep the blooms coming by regularly deadheading. Let the final flowers form seedpods, which can be saved, stored and sown next year.

Purple nicotiana
Deep-pink nicotinias in a border


The foliage of agastache varies in scent depending on which one you're growing. For example Agastache cana has mint-scented leaves, while those of Agastache foeniculum smell like aniseed.

Plants for bees – agastache
Mauve flower spikes of agastache

More plants with scented foliage
