There are plenty of beautifully scented plants to enjoy in March, from heady daphnes to sweetly scented Iris reticulata.


Growing spring-flowering bulbs like daffodils is one of the easiest ways to introduce fragrance to your garden, plus you can combine them with other plants to create attractive spring containers to adorn patios and porches. You can also try growing larger spring-flowering shrubs and trees, like daphne and Acacia dealbata, which are ideal if you're looking for plants with long-lasting shape and form.

We list five of our favourite scented plants to enjoy in March, below.


Hyacinth image
Purple-blue hyacinths

When in flower, hyacinths are wonderful beacons of scent. Dotted about the garden they'll waft their delicious scent. Don't forget to cut a few flowering stems to enjoy the scent indoors.

Osmanthus delavayi

Small, trumpet-shaped, white flowers of Osmanthus delavayi

Pretty white flowers adorn this rounded shrub in spring, lighting up the evergreen foliage. It's well worth planting next to paths or seating, to get the most of the beautiful fragrance. Grow it in well-draining soil in partial shade.

Iris reticulata

Iris reticulata
Elegant purple-blue blooms of Iris reticulata

Iris reticulata are often overlooked in terms of scent, but they're ideal both for forcing, or to be used as cut flowers, making the scent easier to enjoy. You can also use them to create a pretty container display by combining with ivy and ferns.


Daffodil flowers
Pale-yellow and bright-yellow daffodils

One of the best ways to enjoy the fragrance of daffodils is to cut a handful of flowers and place in a vase. 'Paperwhite Ziva' is renowned for its strong scent, but there are plenty more to go for, including 'Kokopelli' and 'Stratosphere'.


Dark-pink daphne in flower

There's little point in picking one scented daphne over another as all have a beautiful, intense scent. 'Jacqueline Postill' has frosted pink flowers, while Daphne mezereum has flowers ranging from pink to violet. Be sure about the position you choose when planting, as daphnes resent being moved.
