Fragrance is essential in a summer garden and there are plenty of richly scented plants that flower in July.


If you have the room it's well worth creating a dedicated area of your garden to scented plants. Or, if you're short on space, grow as many as you can in pots and containers.

Discover five scented plants for July, below.


Buddlejas have a gorgeous fragrance similar to honey. It's no surprise it's called the butterfly bush – butterflies love it and so do bees.

Magenta and purple buddleja blooms

Star jasmine

Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) is a reliable and richly-scented evergreen climber. Provide it with full sun and some shelter from wind, and it'll reward you with profuse blooms.

Star jasmine
White, five-petalled star jasmine flowers

Tobacco plant

All tobacco plants (nicotianas) have a powerful evening scent, though Nicotiana alata 'Grandiflora' is meant to be the most strongly fragranced cultivar. Others to grow include 'Lime Green', 'Tinkerbell' and 'Domino Red' (pictured).

Nicotiana 'Domino Red'
Pink-red flowers of tobacco plant 'Domino Red'


Unlike other daphnes, Daphne x transatlantica produces produces pretty clusters of headily-scented blooms throughout summer. A small, compact shrub that can also be used to create a fragranced hedge.

Best winter-flowering plants - Daphne x transatlantica
Pink daphne flowers in clusters



This golden-leaved abelia cultivar, 'Goldsport', produces scented, trumpet-shaped flowers from midsummer and into autumn. There are plenty more species and cultivars you could grow, too. Plant it in full sun and provide with shelter from cold winds.

Abelia x grandiflora
Golden leaves and small pink flowers of Abelia Grandiflora