Many people believe that fruit needs full sun, but there are plenty of fruits that will thrive in even a partially shaded spot.


Here are five that will happily crop with only minimal sun.

Discover five fruit plants for shade, below.

Gooseberry 'Invicta'

This gooseberry variety produces a heavy crop of tasty berries, and it's resistant to mildew. It's in the genus Ribes, which also includes blackcurrants and whitecurrants – here are some of the currants and gooseberries to grow.

Gooseberry 'Invicta'

Cherry 'Morello'

Morello cherries are an acid or sour cultivar, and an ideal fruit plant for shade. They have lots of culinary uses, including in preserves, syrups and liquers. Gorgeous spring blossom is an added bonus. Cherries are available as dwarf fruit trees, suitable for smaller spaces.

Cherry 'Morello'

Raspberry 'Glen Ample'

'Glen Ample' is a heavy cropping summer-fruiting raspberry with spine-free stems. Mulch generously in spring to encourage a good crop.

Bowl of freshly picked raspberries

Redcurrant 'Junifer'

This early-cropping variety produces an ample harvest on one- and two-year wood, starting in July. Prune redcurrants in winter and grow in well-drained, fertile soil. Here's our full advice on how to grow redcurrants.

Redcurrants ready to harvest

Rhubarb 'Timperley Early'

Though technically a vegetable, rhubarb's sweet flavour and use in desserts affords it the status of fruit for many. 'Timperley Early' is an early forcing variety, producing tender spears as early as February. Remember to not force rhubarb more than two years in a row, as you risk compromising further growth.

Rhubarb leaves