There are a number of perennials that flower in October, and they'll combine beautifully with the autumn foliage of trees and shrubs.


To prolong their display, deadhead regularly. Autumn is a great time to collect seeds from perennials too, before storing them for spring sowings.

Discover five of our favourite autumn-flowering perennials for October, below.


Persicarias are perfect for moist, boggy areas of the garden, as they dislike growing in dry soils. Some of the best flowering persicarias to grow include Persicaria affinis 'Darjeeling Red' and Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Atrosanguinea'.

Red pink persicaria
Pink-red persicaria blooms

Michaelmas daisies

Michaelmas daisies, also known as autumn asters, include species like Eurybia macrophylla and Symphyotrichum novi-belgii. Full sun is ideal, and they'll provide a welcome source of pollen and nectar for late-flying insects.

Aster Algars Pride
Delicate mauve michaelmas daisy 'Algars Pride'


Deadheading in summer could result in a second flush of blazing blooms in autumn. Plant red-hot pokers (Kniphofia) in full sun or dappled shade, in a rich soil. Some of our favourite cultivars to grow include 'Ice Queen' and 'Nancy's Red'.

Red-hot pokers in a mixed border of a variety of red and purple flowers


These elegant, bulbous perennials are available in shades ranging from icy pinks to carmine reds and include cultivars like 'Jennifer' and 'Major'. Here's our full advice on how to grow hesperantha.

Hesperantha Pink Princess
Pink-white flowers of Hesperantha coccinea 'Pink Princess'



Gauras are bushy perennials that produce an abundance of delicate flowers, often right into November. Gaura lindheimeri 'The Bride' has an especially long flowering period.

Gaura Passionate Pink
Gaura 'Passionate Pink'

Save money, buy bare-root

If you've got a lot of space to fill, it's well worth buying perennials bare-root, as they'll be cheaper than potted plants. Bare-root perennials are usually available in the dormant months from November to March, and can easily be potted up once bought, ready for planting out in spring. 