If your garden could do with a bit more winter interest, there are plenty of beautiful February flowering shrubs with late-winter scent, flowers and colour to grow.


Many shrubs have the benefit of being easy to plant and transplant, plus, by growing a range of shrubs, you can provide valuable year-round interest. For example, the attractive branching form of hazel is draped with pendulous yellow catkins in winter and lush leaves from spring to autumn. Here are some colourful and unusual shrubs with autumn appeal.

Discover our pick of the five best February flowering shrubs for February flowers, colour and scent, below.

Winter honeysuckle

The white, sweetly fragrant flowers of Lonicera fragrantissima, or winter honeysuckle, are produced along the lengths of long, tapering stems, creating an eye-catching display. For the most flowers, plant it in a sunny spot so both you and and winter pollinators can enjoy the flowers.

White winter honeysuckle flowers
White winter honeysuckle flowers


If you're gardening on ericaceous soil, then it's worth growing winter shrubs like camellias for their large, showy flowers alone. Don't worry if your soil type is too alkaline, as you can pot up camellias in containers. 'Jury's Yellow' has large, pale-yellow double flowers, while 'Jitsugetsusei' has single pink blooms, with a mass of stamens in the centre.

Pink camellia blooms
Pink camellia blooms

Witch hazel

Hamamelis, or witch hazels, are ideal February flowering shrubs or small trees. Most cultivars have bright, yellow flowers, like 'Brevipetala', but you could also try the copper-red flowered 'Diane', or the pink-cream blooms of 'Strawberries and Cream'. All witch hazels have a lovely winter scent, with some smelling sweet and others spicy or of citrus.

Yellow, spidery flowers of witch hazel Hamamelis 'Aphrodite'
Yellow, spidery flowers of witch hazel Hamamelis 'Aphrodite'


The pendulous flowering catkins of Garrya elliptica that appear from mid-winter to early-spring, have a pretty, icicle-like appearance, while the leaves provide valuable evergreen colour. Grow in a sheltered position to protect it from leaf scorch and be sure to choose a male plant, which have the best catkins.

Grey catkins and evergreen leaves of the silk tassel bush
Grey catkins and evergreen leaves of the silk tassel bush

Daphne mezereum

Aptly named February daphne for the profusion of highly scented flowers that appear in late winter, Daphne mezereum is a shade-loving woodland plant, so it's ideal if you have a gloomy corner in need of cheering up. Once planted, avoid moving daphnes as they dislike root disturbance.

Purple-pink flowers of February daphne
Purple-pink flowers of February daphne

Still looking for inspiration? Browse more February flowering shrubs from Crocus and Thompson & Morgan.
