With a little careful planning, you can produce a huge and varied range of blooms to enjoy all year round – and there are lots of delightful flowers that will brighten your garden in March and can also be cut to make pretty indoor displays.


These include bulbs such as daffodils but also shrubs such as camellias and border favourites such as bergenia.

Here's a selection of flowers that you can pick in March.


Large glossy leaves and pink flower spikes of bergenia

Bergenias are great plants for the front of a shady border; their evergreen leaves give interest all year round, some tinged red in winter. Their magenta flowers appear in early spring; pick a few stems for a vase.


Pink camellia in bloom

Fellow shade-lovers, camellias have stunning blooms in spring, which range in colour from white to dark red. As they have short, woody stems, display the blooms singly in tiny vases, or in a shallow vase that has a grid to support the flower heads.


Starry, pink daphne flowers

The star-shaped flowers of daphne not only look good - they smell good, too. Even a few sprigs will pack quite a punch in the house.


Dusky magenta-pink hellebores

Hellebores are must in the late winter/spring garden, but sometimes the nodding flowers make their beauty hard to appreciate. Bringing them into the house makes it easier to appreciate their delicate markings – try floating them in a bowl of water to make the most of them. Find out about the four types of hellebore.


Brilliant yellow daffodils

Bulbs make excellent and long-lasting flowers, and narcissi are cheap and easy to grow. Raid your borders for flowers for cutting, or plant a couple of square feets' worth in a dedicated cutting area in autumn.


Pale-lemon primroses

Our native primrose, Primula vulgaris, is a welcome sign of spring in hedgerows and in our gardens. Pick a few blooms and display in a tiny vase, to enjoy the delicate, scented flowers up close.

Lonicera x purpusii

Lonicera x purpusii
White winter honeysuckle blooms

Just a couple of sprigs from this beautiful spring shrub will fill a room with its fresh lemony scent. Display in a small vase.
