September is a bumper time for harvesting, with many crops reaching their peak.


Gluts of some crops are almost inevitable - here are some ideas for preserving your harvests.

Discover seven crops you can harvest in September.


Harvest after the leaves turn yellow and the stems bend over. Carefully lift the bulbs using a fork, and leave to dry in a warm, dry spot for two weeks before storing. Discover how to store onions.

Harvesting onions in September
Pulling up onions


To determine whether an apple is ripe, cup it in the palm of your hand and give it a small twist. The apple should come away easily. Find out how to store apples.

Harvest apples in September
Twisting an apple on the tree to see whether it is ripe for picking

Runner beans

Pick runner beans regularly. If they are stringy, pick them when they are small and tender.

Harvesting runner beans in September
Runner beans harvested into a wooden basket

Autumn-fruiting raspberries

Autumn-fruiting raspberries can be picked up to the first frosts. Either enjoy fresh or freeze to enjoy during the winter. Cut down all of the canes in February.

Harvesting autumn fruiting raspberries in September
Harvesting raspberries


Tomatoes should hopefully ripen this month if they haven't already - if they're still green, remove the foliage so that the sun can get to the fruits. Watch Monty's guide to harvesting tomatoes.

Harvesting tomatoes in September
Harvesting cherry tomatoes


Courgettes can crop prolifically, so if you're facing a glut, pick them when they are tiny, as baby vegetables. Keep on top of your harvests, otherwise you'll have marrows seemingly overnight. Watch Monty's guide to harvesting courgettes.

How to grow courggetes - harvesting courgettes
Harvesting a courgette with a knife


Maincrop potatoes are ready to harvest from late August into October. Wait for the foliage to turn yellow, then cut it off. Leave for a week or two before digging up. Leave to dry for a few hours before storing in a cool, dark place over winter.


Discover delicious ways to cook your potato harvest, at BBC Good Food.

Harvesting potatoes in September
Freshly dug-up potatoes