Crops to harvest in December
Check out five delicious winter crops to harvest in December.
Winter vegetables are a real treat, providing fresh harvests for the table when the weather's too cold for many crops.
Robust brassicas like winter cabbages, kale and Brussels sprouts are up to the task. If clubroot, a fungal infection affecting brassicas, is present in your soil, grow resistant varieties or grow different winter veg altogether.
If you have a glut of any vegetables, consider storing them for later use or give to friends and family, but avoid storing these six crops that don't store well.
Kale is a winter stalwart, the flavour of which actually improves after the leaves have been touched with frost. It's easy to grow and one plant will provide several harvests.

Brussels sprouts
Like kale, Brussels sprouts are said to improve in flavour after a frost. Here's how to plant Brussels sprouts and other brassicas in spring and summer, to crop in winter.

This sweetly flavoured root vegetable is delicious roasted with honey, or added to mashes, bakes and soups. Sow parsnips in spring to ensure a winter harvest.

Leeks are not only great winter vegetables because of their ability to withstand inclement weather, but they're also versatile in the kitchen. Grow from seed or plugs, and enjoy them in a range of dishes.

Winter cabbages
Winter cabbages, such as Savoy cabbages like 'January King', can be used to make hearty soups, stews, bakes and other recipes. Plant winter cabbages in summer for a winter crop.