Climbers for an east-facing wall
Take a look at some of the climbing plants you can grow up or along east-facing walls and fences.
East-facing walls and fences receive cool, morning sun and afternoon shade, so the plants grown in these spots need to be suited to partial shade.
Plants that need shelter from strong sunlight will thrive here. You can also use the evening shade provided to your advantage – it will enhance plants with white flowers or creamy, variegated foliage.
As well as climbers, there are plenty of other plants to grow along east-facing boundaries, too, including hostas, hardy geraniums and astilbes. For more ideas, check out some of the best plants for an east-facing border.
Find out more about our recommended climbers for an east-facing wall, below.
Honeysuckles are brilliant plants to have in the garden. Our native honeysuckle, Lonicera periclymenum, provides shelter and pretty red berries for birds, as well as deliciously scented flowers that attract pollinating insects.

Chocolate vine
This vigorous semi-evergreen climber produces rich purple blooms in spring that have a pleasing chocolate-vanilla scent. Once planted, avoid transplanting as it resents root disturbance. Take a look at our plant profile for the chocolate vine, for more information.

There are a few Parthenocissus species that can be grown up an east-facing wall. Boston ivy (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) is a vigorous climber with glorious autumn colour, but it needs to have plenty of space and be kept in check by regular pruning. Parthenocissus henryana is less vigorous and has velvety leaves with an attractive bronze tinge.
Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) is listed as an invasive, non-native species on Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act in England and Wales. It is an offence to plant or otherwise cause to grow this species in the wild. You should stop them spreading from your garden and avoid purchasing or accepting gifts of these species.

Though not strictly a climber, pyracanthas can be trained against an east-facing wall using trellis or with a series of wires. Evergreen leaves provide year-round colour, while the bright, autumn berries will attract birds.

Ivy is another great plant to have in the garden. A robust evergreen, grow well in partial shade, providing nectar-rich flowers for bees, and an important source of berries for birds in winter. Pictured is the cultivar Hedera helix 'Cavendishii'. As an alternative to English ivy, consider Boston ivy.

Garrya elliptica is commonly known as the silk tassel bush, a reference to the silvery catkins that are present throughout winter. It will happily grow up an east-facing wall, providing excellent evergreen colour.

Encouraging nesting birds
To encourage nesting birds to take advantage of any berries produced on the plants, try putting up bird boxes amongst the foliage. They're widely available to buy and easy to make yourself. Discover the types of bird boxes you can put up to attract different species of bird.