Boggy / Chalky / Alkaline / Clay / Heavy / Moist / Well Drained / Light / Sandy
The evergreen hart's tongue fern, Asplenium scolopendrium, grows wild in shaded areas. It often forms large drifts beneath trees among rocks and streams, where its upright pointed 'tongues' contrast strikingly with the softer shapes of damp-loving wild flowers. In gardens, the plants are good for shaded wild areas, and are also invaluable for year round interest among shrubs or other shade and moisture loving perennials.
Asplenium scolopendrium 'Crispum Bolton's Nobile' has beautifully frilled, rich green fronds. Once planted, Asplenium scolopendrium 'Crispum Bolton's Nobile' grows slowly and needs little attention apart from annual mulching and tidying in spring. The cultivar is sterile, but it can be divided in spring. Learn more in our Ferns grow guide.