This article has been checked for horticultural accuracy by Oliver Parsons.
Ammi visnaga is a hardy annual with white- and green-domed flowerheads around 12cm across. The height of this attractive plant makes it a good choice for the middle or back of a border, where its umbel-shaped flowerheads will attract pollinating insects. As well as making a useful filler plant for the border, it's an excellent cut flower and lasts a good 10 days in the vase.
The main difference between Ammi majus and Ammi visnaga is that the flowerheads of Ammi visnaga look more dense and dome-shaped than the lacier flowers of Ammi majus.
Ammi visnaga is easy to grow. As it's not a perennial, you will need to sow seed each year from late summer to mid-autumn, or early spring indoors, for summer flowers. Plant out seedlings in late April, May or early June. Alternatively, sow direct outdoors in full sun or partial shade, into well-drained soil. Ammi visnaga may need staking and then when the flowerheads are over you can either cut it back or enjoy the seedheads as a feature over winter.
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Advice on buying Ammi visnaga
Ammi visnaga looks similar to Ammi majus so check the label before buying. Ammi majus has more delicate-looking flowers
Ammi visnaga is easy to grow from seed, which is a cheaper option than buying a plant in the garden centre, especially as it looks good growing in groups rather than as an individual plant