The lace aloe, Aloe aristata, is a low-growing evergreen perennial native to South Africa. It forms rosettes of fleshy, lance-shaped, softly spined green leaves with white spots. In autumn tubular, orange-red flowers appear on long stems. Although hardier than many aloes, it's best grown as a houseplant or in a greenhouse.
Aloe aristata grows best in full sun, in sandy, free-draining compost, such as cactus compost. Water sparingly and avoid watering in the dormant period (September to March).
Explore other varieties of Aloe to grow:
Aloe arborescens - bears dense rosettes of succulent, toothed, sword-shaped leaves, from which tall,torch-like red flowers
Aloe 'Lime Fizz' - a hybrid aloe, forming a compact plant of pale green leaves with rust-coloured, raised markings on both sides.
Aloe 'Red Sparkler' - a short-growing aloe, bearing rosettes of bronze-green leaves heavily spotted white