June is a busy time on the allotment. The nights should now be frost-free, and the days are long, which gives you plenty of time to get on with the jobs that need doing. There are lots of jobs to do, including planting courgettes and runner beans, watering during hot spells and, of course, harvesting.


Here are some key allotment jobs for June.

Plant crops

Planting runner beans
Planting out young runner bean plants

Now's the time to plant out young plants of runner beans, French beans, courgettes, pumpkins, squashes and sweetcorn, plus outdoor tomatoes and cucumbers. You can also plant out Brussels sprouts, cabbages, cauliflowers and celeriac.

Sow seeds

Insect-proof mesh
Putting insect-proof mesh over bamboo hoops to protect emerging seedlings

Keep sowing beetroot, radishes and lettuce successionally, every week or so, for crops in a few weeks' time. You can also sow carrots but be sure to protect sowings from carrot fly, using insect-proof mesh.

Harvest crops

Harvesting peas
Harvesting peas

Now's the time to start enjoying your harvests - peas should be ready now, as should gooseberries and strawberries plus salads, beetroot and radishes. Stop harvesting asparagus this month.

Hoe weeds

Hoeing weeds
Hoeing between crops

Keeping on top of weeds is still an important job - hoe between rows and let annual weed seedlings dry out on top of the soil.

Protect fruit

Protecting strawberries from birds
Protecting strawberries from mud with straw and from birds with netting

Protect strawberries by mulching around them with straw to keep mud splashes off, and keep birds off your ripening strawberry crop by covering your plants with netting.

Water crops

Watering a tomato plant
Watering a newly planted tomato plant with a watering can

It can be tricky to keep on top of watering in summer, so remember that a good soak is much better than a regular sprinkle. Prioritise anything that's been recently planted, tomatoes and cucumbers. Read our guide to summer watering.

Feed tomatoes

Feeding tomatoes in a growing bag
Pouring a capful of tomato feed beside a plant in a grow-bag

Start feeding tomatoes in growing bags with a high potash tomato food - this will encourage the production of more flowers, and therefore, more fruits.
