Fuchsias are a popular choice for summer bedding schemes and containers, due to their attractive, usually pendent flowers, borne from summer to autumn. Some are hardy enough to be used in perennial planting schemes, and may even be clipped into a low-growing hedge. All fuchsias benefit from fertile, moist but well-drained soil, in a sheltered spot in partial shade.


Take a look at 10 of the best varieties, below.

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Fuchsia 'Army Nurse'

A hardy shrub fuchsia, bearing purple, semi-double flowers with red sepals, throughout summer. It’s well suited to growing in a mixed herbaceous border as well as containers.

Semi-double, purple and pink-red flowers of Fuchsia 'Army Nurse'
Semi-double, purple and pink-red flowers of Fuchsia 'Army Nurse'

Fuchsia 'Dollar Princess'

Bears small, double flowers with short, purple tubes and red sepals, in contrast with dark-green leaves. Grow it in pots on the patio in partial shade – plants should be overwintered indoors.

Small, double, deep-purple and pink flowers of Fuchsia 'Dollar Princess'
Small, double, deep-purple and pink flowers of Fuchsia 'Dollar Princess'

Fuchsia ‘Alice Hoffman'

A small, shrub fuchsia with bronze-tinged foliage and semi-double flowers with pink sepals and white-pink petals. Grow it in a mixed herbaceous border in part shade, or in a pot on a sheltered, part-shaded patio.

Pink and white, semi-double flowers of Fuchsia 'Alice Hoffman'
Pink and white, semi-double flowers of Fuchsia 'Alice Hoffman'

Fuchsia 'Blands New Stripe'

A shrub fuchsia with a weeping habit. It bears unusual flowers with striped violet and pink petals and red sepals, in contrast with dark green foliage.

Striped violet and purple blooms, with red sepals, of weeping Fuchsia 'Blands New Stripe'
Striped violet and purple blooms, with red sepals, of weeping Fuchsia 'Blands New Stripe'

Fuchsia 'Champagne Celebration'

A shrub fuchsia, bearing gorgeous flowers with flared, carmine-pink petals and pink-white sepals with very pointed tips.

Fuchsia 'Champagne Celebration' blooms, with carmine pink petals and pale pink sepals
Fuchsia 'Champagne Celebration' blooms, with carmine pink petals and pale pink sepals

Fuchsia 'Genii'

A bushy, hardy fuchsia, bearing small, single flowers with narrow pink sepals and purple-red petals. The foliage is yellow-green.

Discover more hardy fuchsias

Flowers of Fuchsia 'Genii', with narrow pink sepals and purple-red petals
Flowers of Fuchsia 'Genii', with narrow pink sepals and purple-red petals

Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby'

A hardy fuchsia with striking bicoloured flowers in aubergine and carmine-pink. It was bred from a Brazilian species in 1939 and named after the founder of the British Fuchsia Society.

Aubergine and carmine-pink flowers of Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby'
Aubergine and carmine-pink flowers of Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby'

Fuchsia 'Phyllis'

An upright, hardy fuchsia, bearing single and semi-double flowers with a rose-red sepals and deeper red petals. Plant it in a sheltered spot away from cold winter winds and give roots a thick mulch in autumn.

Semi-double flowers of Fuchsia 'Phyllis'
Semi-double flowers of Fuchsia 'Phyllis'

Fuchsia 'President Barrie Nash'

An upright, bushy fuchsia with dark green leaves and elegant single flowers with narrow, pink sepals and darker petals.

Fuchsia 'President Barrie Nash' flowers with pale-pink sepals and purple petals
Fuchsia 'President Barrie Nash' flowers with pale-pink sepals and purple petals


Fuchsia 'Rapunzel'

A non-hardy, trailing bedding fuchsia, with stems of pretty white and purple flowers trailing to an incredible 60cm. It works well when grown as an annual bedding plant in pots, window boxes and hanging baskets.

Pale-pink and purple flowers of trailing Fuchsia 'Rapunzel'
Pale-pink and purple flowers of trailing Fuchsia 'Rapunzel'