10 beautiful roses to grow
Discover 10 of our favourite roses to grow, in a wide range of colours.
There's a rose to suit every garden, from shrub and species roses to ramblers, climbers and compact patio roses.
Not sure which rose to choose? Browse over 250 roses in our plant database.
Roses are easy to grow and tolerant of a range of soil types and aspects. Discover roses for all soil types.
A good rose is not only look beautiful - it should be resistant to pests and diseases such as black spot and rust, and will repeat-flower throughout the summer.
Here are 10 beautiful roses to grow.
Rosa 'Absolutely Fabulous'
Named Rose of the Year 2010, Rosa 'Absolutely Fabulous' is a compact floribunda rose with good disease resistance and a distinctive liquorice fragrance. It bears primrose-yellow flowers from summer until autumn.

Rosa 'Beatrix Potter'
Rosa 'Beatrix Potter' is an upright, bushy, deciduous shrub rose with thorny stems and glossy, toothed, dark green foliage. From late-spring to autumn it bears beautiful double soft-pink flowers with lots of petals and a good perfume.

Rosa 'Abbie's Rose'
Rosa 'Abbie's Rose' is an upright but low-growing, bushy, floribunda shrub rose with thorny stems and ovate, glossy, dark green leaves. From late spring through to autumn it bears an abundance of lightly fragrant, double, cerise-pink flowers.

Rosa 'All My Loving'
Rosa 'All My Loving' is a hybrid tea rose, bearing large, double and lightly scented flowers that are a bright cerise pink on strong stems. The plants are dense, bushy and resistant to diseases. It flowers early and keeps going until the first frosts.

Rosa 'A Shropshire Lad'
Rosa 'A Shropshire Lad' is a versatile rose which may be grown as a large shrub or as a short climbing rose if given support. It bears large rosettes of many-petalled flowers in soft, peach-pink which have a gentle, fruity fragrance.

Rosa 'Constance Spry'
Rosa 'Constance Spry' is a vigorous shrub rose that bears fully double, rose-pink, myrrh-scented blooms. It has an arching habit, making it ideal for growing at the back of a border against a wall, and it can also be trained as a climber.

Rosa 'Isn't She Lovely'
Rosa 'Isn't She Lovely' is a hybrid tea rose with creamy gold buds opening to double creamy white flowers with gold and pink tones towards the centre, and a good fragrance. The blooms contrast perfectly with the glossy, dark-green foliage.

Rosa 'Cariad'
Rosa 'Cariad' is a large shrub rose with grey-green foliage and excellent resistance to rose diseases. Semi-double, pink flowers are borne on thin stems. The flowers have a good fragrance - the classic tea rose scent initially, maturing to a spicy musk.

Rosa 'Sir John Betjeman'
Rosa 'Sir John Betjeman' is a repeat-flowering classic English shrub rose with a gentle arching habit. The small buds open to open, large double rosettes, which become a deeper pink as they mature.

Rosa 'Diamond Days'
Rosa 'Diamond Days' is a wonderful hybrid tea rose, bearing yellow-white flowers with a strong citrus perfume. It's a good all-round rose for the herbaceous border.

Grow better roses
Want to ensure a stunning display of flowers this summer? Discover five ways to grow better roses.