10 acers to grow
We pick 10 of our favourite acers to grow, including the best varieties for autumn colour.
Acers make an excellent focal point in the garden, particularly in autumn when their leaves turn breathtaking shades of red, crimson, orange or yellow.
Many acers are slow growing and compact, making them an excellent trees for small gardens. Grow them as a free-standing specimen, as a part of a border, or in a large container.
The most important thing to remember when growing acers is to give them a sheltered position. They need to be protected not only from northern and easterly winds but from frosts, too – cover them with fleece in winter, if necessary. Acer trees will tolerate most soils except very heavy clay.
More on growing acers:
- Caring for acers – Golden Rules
- How to plant an acer in a pot
- Acer and bleeding heart container display
Discover 10 gorgeous acers to grow, below.
Acer palmatum

In autumn the foliage of Acer palmatum turns red, orange and yellow. Grow in a prominent spot with shelter from both late frosts and hot sunshine. The best colour is produced on neutral to acid soil. Some varieties are particularly love, including Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'.
Height: 6m.
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' holds the Royal Horticultural Society's prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM). A vigorous variety, its leaves turn scarlet in autumn. Grow in a sunny or partially shaded spot that's well protected from cold winds.
Height: 5m.
Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Seiryu'

Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Seiryu'. Another holder of the RHS AGM. The leaves of this stunning variety turn crimson in autumn. Grow in moist but well-drained soil, away from bright sunlight and cold winds.
Height: 7m.
Acer palmatum 'Kagiri-nishiki'

Acer palmatum 'Kagiri-nishiki' is a variegated Japanese maple, bearing deeply lobed, mid-green leaves with pink and white margins, throughout summer. Leaves turn crimson-gold in autumn. Grow in sun or partial shade, and protect from harsh winds.
Height: 4m.
Acer rubrum 'Northwood'

Acer rubrum 'Northwood' is a beautiful maple native to north America. Its dark green leaves turn brilliant red in autumn. Grow as an ornamental tree in a medium to large garden, preferably in moist, slightly acid soil.
Height: 18m
Acer henryi

Acer henryi is a small tree native to China and rarely grown in Britain. The leaves are divided into three leaflets, which turn a rich orange-red before falling in autumn. Grow in a sheltered spot in full sun or dappled shade.
Height: 3.5m
Acer palmatum var. dissectum Dissectum Atropurpureum Group

Acer palmatum var. dissectum Dissectum Atropurpureum Group is a round-headed tree with deeply lobed, red-purple leaves that turn a brilliant red in autumn. Grow in a sunny or partially shaded spot which is protected from cold winds, and with moist but well-drained soil.
Height: 8m
Acer palmatum 'Beni-otake'

Acer palmatum ‘Beni-otake’ is a medium-sized Japanese maple, with deep red-purple foliage from spring to summer, which becomes green with maturity. Autumn leaves turn a rich crimson. It is more tolerant of sun than other acers.
Height: 4m
Acer palmatum 'Little Princess'

Acer palmatum ‘Little Princess’ turns yellow and orange in autumn. With its slow growing, compact habit, 'Little Princess’ makes an ideal Japanese maple for the small garden or patio pot. Grow in sun or partial shade.
Height: 1.5m
Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'

Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'. This Japanese maple is round-headed with lobed, red-purple leaves that turn brilliant red in autumn. Grow in a sunny or partially shaded spot. Keep protected from cold winds.
Height: 8m
Acer care tips
- Position: Japanese maples like moist, well-drained, fertile soil in a sheltered spot. Varieties with gold leaves prefer more shade
- Care: only light pruning needed, but make sure green shoots are removed from variegated types. Japanese maples appreciate an annual spring mulch
- Hardiness: all acers are at least frost-hardy, though new shoots might be damaged by sudden frosts

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