Plant Size:
Height: 25000
Spread: 20000

Weeping willow trees are graceful, large trees, typically found growing near a river or stream. There are several types of weeping willow tree but the most common are the babylon weeping willow, Salix babylonica, and the golden weeping willow, Salix x sepulcralis var. chrysocoma, which is a hybrid of Salix babylonica and our native white willow, Salix alba. Dwarf weeping willow trees include Salix integra 'Pendula' and Salix caprea 'Pendula', also known as pussy willow.


Weeping willows are so-called for their graceful and slender, arching habit, although some suggest 'weeping' refers to the way raindrops fall from their branches. Most species have delicate, narrow, light green leaves, which turn a beautiful shade of yellow in autumn. In spring, fluffy catkins appear on bare branches.

They do best in moist conditions are are perfect for growing near water. Weeping willows are fast growing and can reach a height and spread of over 15m over 50 years, so are suitable for large gardens only.

How to grow a weeping willow

Grow weeping willow in moist soil in full sun to partial shade. Water well until it becomes established.

Where to grow weeping willow

Weeping willow growing in a garden. Getty Images
Weeping willow growing in a garden. Getty Images

Grow weeping willow near a large pond or stream, or as a focal point in a large lawn. Ensure your soil is moist enough to provide the optimum conditions – it will lack vigour in dry soils.

How to plant weeping willow

Plant weeping willow as you would any tree.

  1. Dig a square hole and soften the edges with a garden fork
  2. Check the depth of the hole before planting – look for a soil 'tide mark' on bare-root trees and ensure the top of the rootball sits level with the soil for pot-grown trees
  3. When you're happy with the depth, fill the hole with soil and firm gently
  4. Add a stake, fixing it with a tree tie, to prevent root rock, and water well. Keep the stake in place for around two years

How to care for a weeping willow

Close up view of the end of a weeping willow branch with newly sprouted leaves. Getty Images
Close up view of the end of a weeping willow branch with newly sprouted leaves. Getty Images

Weeping willow trees need very little care. There's very little need to prune willow trees, although you may consider removing damaged and crossing branches in the first couple of years.

Advice on buying a weeping willow

  • Bear in mind that weeping willows can grow very big, so make sure your garden is big enough for it to grow
  • Look at specialist nurseries for a wider choice of cultivars
  • Check trees for signs of damage or disease before planting

Where to buy weeping willow trees

Weeping willow varieties to grow

Salix babylonica (weeping willow tree). Getty Images
Weeping willow tree. Getty Images

Salix babylonica – the classic weeping willow. Height x Spread: 12m x 8m over 50 years.

Salix x sepulcralis var. chrysocoma – the golden weeping willow has golden yellow young leaves that mature to fresh green. H x S: 12m x 8m over 50 years.

Salix integra 'Pendula' – this dwarf weeping willow has narrow, slightly twisted, fresh green leaves. A grafted tree, it won't grow taller than 1.5m and is suitable for small gardens and even pots. H x S: 1.5m x 1.5m.
