We're excited to share a new feature on GardenersWorld.com: My Hub, a personalised space to save your favourite content and create themed collections, accessible from all your devices.


Perhaps you'd like to collect the guides to growing your favourite flowers and vegetables, for easy reference throughout the year. Or maybe you're planning new beds and borders and want to gather together our inspirational plant features.

Whatever your gardening passion, My Hub makes it easier to find the expert advice and timely tips you need.

Here's how to use My Hub...

Save content and create collections

To get started with My Hub, sign in to GardenersWorld.com or register here – it's free, quick and easy. Once you've registered, you can also enter our exciting competitions.

Then, simply browse the site and look out for the 'Save' icon on article pages...

Save button in My Hub

Click this icon to save the page. You'll then be able to find the page in the My Hub area.

After you've clicked 'Save', three small dots will appear...

Saved button in My Hub

Click these dots if you'd like to add your article to an existing collection or create a new collection.

How to access My Hub

Access My Hub from the link at the top right corner of the page...

My Hub link

Your saved content will appear under 'Saved articles'.

Your collections appear within 'My collections'.

You can also create new collections here, as well as renaming or deleting them. Click the pencil icon for these options.

Editing a collection in My Hub

To remove articles from your 'Saved articles' click the white circle with the black bookmark, which appears in the corner of your saved items.


We really hope you enjoy using My Hub. At present it's available on article pages – look out for it in other areas of GardenersWorld.com over the coming months.
