Information on plastic and recycling
Find our how to recycle your copies of BBC Gardeners' World Magazine.
If you subscribe to BBC Gardeners’ World magazine and want to recycle your copies here is the best way to do so.
Recycling your printed copy and supplements
Paper is widely recycled so you can include your copy, paper supplements and inserts, in your regular home paper recycling. Or, find your nearest paper recycling facility online.
Remember to remove any plastic wrapping and extras (such as seed packs) from the magazine before including it in paper recycling, and ensure that the paper is clean.
Find out more about recycling paper
Recycle your paper wrap
From the October 2019 issue, subscriber editions are posted out in an FSC-certified paper wrap, which is widely recycled at kerbside by most UK local authorities.
For more information on recycling paper and to find your local recycling centres visit recyclenow.com.
Moving to paper wrapping
The switch from polywrap to biodegradable paper packaging cuts almost 1 tonne of polythene use every month, which we know is incredibly important to our readers. This step also reflects the magazine’s ethos of improving the environment and benefitting the world around us. It has been a complex process, taking over a year to reach this outcome, trialling a range of wrapping materials, working with existing and new suppliers, and revising manufacturing processes. But we believe that paper-wrapping is the most viable option for a title of our scale, and is the sustainable outcome that readers expect from our title.
Recycling your polywrap
Some retail promoted issues with additional supplements, seeds and extras, come bagged in a recyclable poly wrap, and this can be recycled at carrier bag collection points at most major supermarkets.
Find out more about recycling your magazine polywrap packaging
For more information and to find your local recycling centres visit recyclenow.com.