Our new magazine is packed full of ideas and practical gardening tips to help you make the most of your garden. You’ll find planting inspiration for any size garden, guides to help you grow your own delicious homegrown fruit and vegetables, problem solving solutions, pruning tips and expert advice from your favourite gardeners.


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Inside the March issue...

Grow your own

Monty Don at Longmeadow, Jason Ingram
Monty Don at Longmeadow, Jason Ingram

Want to grow delicious homegrown food this year? Monty shows how to prepare for a summer of delicious harvest.

No-fear gardening

No-fear gardening with Frances Tophiill, Jason Ingram
No-fear gardening with Frances Tophill, Jason Ingram

Want to grow flowers but feel like you don't know where to begin? This year, Frances Tophill will hold your hand through the seasons with simple advice on making a garden.

Master your mix

Nick Bailey on planting combinations, Neil Hepworth
Nick Bailey on planting combinations, Neil Hepworth

In this series Nick Bailey shows how to mix plants in natural planting communities for a happy, healthy garden. This month, we're looking at meadows.

Time to put down roots

Carol Klein on choosing trees, Jonathan Buckley
Carol Klein on choosing trees, Jonathan Buckley

Trees can bring benefits to gardens of all shapes and sizes. Carol Klein explains what to consider when choosing one for your plot and reveals her favourites.

Greenhouse growing

Alan Titchmarsh green house gardening, Sarah Cuttle
Alan Titchmarsh green house gardening, Sarah Cuttle

Discover the joys of greenhouse gardening this spring and summer with Alan's expert guides, beginning with how to choose your ideal greenhouse and what to start growing.

Coming up in the April issue...

  • Boost your flower displayed with glorious summer bulbs, Monty shows us how
  • Eco-friendly ways to display fresh and dried flowers in your home
  • Plant up trans-seasonal pots that are colourful, scented and productive
  • Frances helps you keep on top of the busy spring season
  • Pin down the perfect dahlias with help from the latest RHS people's choice trial

Buy the March issue now
