Returning home to discover dead or wilting plants is not the ideal end to a holiday. With a little forethought you can ensure your plants are kept well-watered while you're away, without being overly reliant on obliging friends or neighbours.


Follow our simple guide to setting up a self-watering system, below.

You Will Need

  • A flat tray
  • A deep tray
  • Capillary matting
  • Large pots

Total time: 30 minutes

Step 1

Fixing capillary matting to the tray and reservoir
Fixing capillary matting to the tray and reservoir

Set up a flat tray over a container of water and cover with capillary matting. Add a piece of matting, which will function as a wick, drawing up water from the reservoir below.

Step 2

Watering the capillary matting
Watering the capillary matting

Fill the water reservoir right up to its brim and thoroughly wet the matting.

Step 3

Placing plants on the capillary matting
Placing plants on the capillary matting

Put pots on the surface, pressing them down so the pot's draining holes are in contact with the matting. Ideally, ask a friend or neighbour to top up the reservoir from time to time.
