If your shed has become a dumping ground and you've run out of space to store your gardening equipment, then it's time to take action. Follow our guide to clearing, cleaning and repairing your shed and making it secure.


You Will Need

  • Tool rack
  • Wooden shelving units
  • Roofing material
  • Broom
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Screwdriver
  • Padlock
  • Tape measure

Total time: 1 day

Step 1

How to clean and repair your garden shed - emptying the shed
How to clean and repair your garden shed - emptying the shed

Start by taking everything in your shed outside, emptying it completely. Brush cobwebs away, sweep the floor and then check over for any structural damage like rot. Dispose of anything that you don't want or need anymore.

Step 2

How to clean and repair your garden shed - fixing a shelving unit together
How to clean and repair your garden shed - fixing a shelving unit together

You'll be able to store much more if you invest in some shelving units to keep boxes, packets, bottles, pots and trays in order. Measure your shed before you buy. Also take the tape measure with you to check units will fit through the door when you get them home.

Step 3

How to clean and repair your garden shed - tools on a rack
How to clean and repair your garden shed - tools on a rack

Assemble any units as required and organise and tidy everything away. Fit a tool rack to the wall. Hang or clip tools.

Step 4

How to clean and repair your garden shed - adding a mouse trap
How to clean and repair your garden shed - adding a mouse trap

Place a mousetrap or bait box in your shed to prevent mice from setting up home and causing damage.

Step 5

How to clean and repair your garden shed - marking your lawnmower
How to clean and repair your garden shed - marking your lawnmower

Use security marker kits to label mowers, tools and power tools with your house number and postcode. This will help to identify them in case of theft.

Step 6

How to clean and repair your garden shed - fixing a padlock
How to clean and repair your garden shed - fixing a padlock

Finally, make sure you have a strong lock on your shed to prevent thieves from helping themselves.

Freecycle and eBay are excellent for recycling things you have no use for but someone else really needs.
Seedlings. Photo: Getty Images.