The tree lily is a giant of the lily world, producing thick, sturdy stems that can reach up to 2.4m in height in its third year, compared to other varieties at 90cm to 1.5m. Tree lilies are generous too, producing impressive displays with each plant carrying up to 30 trumpet-shaped blooms.


Flowering time depends on planting time and growing conditions, with flowers opening as early as June or later into July and August.

Follow these easy steps to create your own dramatic display with tree lilies.

You Will Need

  • Tree lily bulbs
  • Large pots
  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Liquid feed

Total time: 30 minutes

Step 1

Adding compost to the container
Adding compost to the container

Lillies can be potted up to grow on in a cool greenhouse, for early flowers. Fill a container two-thirds with compost.

Step 2

Adding slow-release fertiliser
Adding slow-release fertiliser

Scatter slow-release fertiliser granules on the surface of the compost and mix in with your hands.

Step 3

Planting tree lily bulbs
Planting tree lily bulbs

Handle tree lily bulbs carefully when planting. Place bulbs around 5cm apart on the surface of the compost. Cover completely with compost, leaving the shoot tips poking through. Water well to settle the compost around the bulbs, and add more compost if necessary.

Kevin Smith says...

Position this container among others that include tall plants – they’ll help to disguise the stems of the lilies, which can sometimes look a bit scruffy in comparison to the beautiful blooms at the top of the plant.