Strawberries are easy to grow and work well in strawberry planters.


In this attractive display we plant strawberries in a bespoke tiered strawberry planter, where the plants and fruits can hang from the pot like pretty, bright red jewels.

As well as growing them in pots and containers on the ground, you could also try growing strawberries in window boxes and hanging baskets.

Learn how to plant up a strawberry container display, below.

You Will Need

  • Strawberry plants (10)
  • Tiered strawberry pot
  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Crocks
  • Broken terracotta pot, plastic pots or large stones, for drainage

Step 1

Adding plastic pots to the bottom of the container
Adding plastic pots to the bottom of the container

Place empty plastic plant pots in the base of the container to stop the compost falling out of the bottom, and aid drainage.

Step 2

Part-filling the pot with compost
Part-filling the pot with compost

Part-fill the pot, up to the first tier of planting holes, with peat-free, multi-purpose compost. Add slow-release fertiliser granules and mix in with your hands.

Step 3

Planting up the pot with strawberry plants
Planting up the pot with strawberry plants

Start planting up the pot, from the bottom. Use your hands to gently place the plants in position, and firm them into the compost.

Step 4

Planting up the top of the pot
Planting up the top of the pot

Add more compost and slow-release fertiliser until you reach the second tier of planting holes, and add more plants, firming them in. Repeat this process until you reach the top of the container.

Step 5

Watering in the strawberry plants
Watering in the strawberry plants

Add more compost to within 5cm of the rim of the pot, and firm everything in to remove air pockets. Water the pot well.

Step 6

The finished and planted container
The finished and planted container

Allow the water to thoroughly drain from the pot before moving it to its final planting position.

Kevin Smith says...

Rotate the pot regularly once the strawberries have formed – this will ensure the fruits ripen evenly and don't go to waste. Water the planter little and often and make sure the compost never dries out completely.
