Plants with simple flowers, such as cosmos, ox-eye daisy and echinacea, are a great source of pollen and nectar for pollinators, flowering from summer through to autumn. And they’re easy to grow from seed. Follow our step-by-step guide to growing pollinator-friendly plants from seed, below.


You Will Need

  • 10cm pots
  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Watering can with rose attachment
  • Hardy annual seed
  • Pencil
  • Vermiculite (optional)

Step 1

Filling pots with multi-purpose compost
Filling pots with multi-purpose compost

In March or April, fill your 10cm pots to the top with seed-sowing or sieved multi-purpose compost. Gently tamp the compost down in the pot and then level off with a pencil or stick.

Step 2

Sowing cosmos seeds
Sowing cosmos seeds

The size of the seeds will determine how you sow them. Larger seeds, such as those of cerinthe, will need pushing down into the compost to the same depth as the size of the seed. Small seeds, such as cosmos, need only scattering thinly across the surface of the compost.

Step 3

Sprinkling compost over seeds
Sprinkling compost over seeds

Use your hands to sprinkle compost or vermiculite carefully over the top of the seeds so they're covered to a depth of about 3mm. Label your pots.

Step 4

Watering the compost
Watering the compost

Use a can with a fine rose to water the seeds in. Place in a greenhouse or on a warm, bright windowsill indoors. Keep the compost just moist.

Step 5

Potting on cosmos seedlings
Potting on cosmos seedlings

When the first true leaves show, use a pencil to prick out each new seedling, holding it by the leaves, and planting out into individual pots.

Step 6

Potting seedlings into individual pots
Potting seedlings into individual pots

Grow on indoors until after the last frosts (in May or June), when you can plant them out into your patch. If slugs and snails are a problem in your garden then wait until the plants are large enough to withstand attack, before planting out.
