Purple roses
Discover five purple roses to grow, in our feature.
Contrasting beautifully with fresh green leaves, purple-flowered roses make a dramatic addition to beds and borders. Indeed, some of the most sumptuous roses flower in shades of purple. Purple roses come in a variety of shades – choose from pale lilac shades to deep, rich burgundy.
Browse our pick of purple roses, below.
Rosa 'Roseraie de l'Hay'
This vigorous rugosa rose bears large, double blooms in rich magenta, with a yellow central eye and an incredibly strong fragrance. Growing into a large shrub, it’s perfect for growing at the back of the border, where it will tolerate a bit of shade. With a slightly exposed centre, it's a good choice for attracting bees and other pollinators. It bears hips for the birds, in winter.

Rosa 'Charles de Mills'
An old purple rose, ‘Charles De Mills’ bears huge, fully double flowers with closely packed petals, in deep red-purple. Blooms have a medium to strong fragrance and are excellent for cutting. Growing into an upright shrub with arching stems, it has attractive fresh green foliage, making it a good option for growing at the back of a shrub border or as part of a hedge.

Rosa 'Pure Poetry'
'Pure Poetry' is a hybrid tea purple rose, bearing fully double blooms with closely packed petals and a strong fragrance. Flower buds have a classic hybrid-tea shape, but open more in the style of old fashioned roses. They're borne on strong stems, making them excellent for cutting.
H x S: 90 x 60cm

Rosa 'Katie's Rose'
A floribunda rose, ‘Katie’s Rose’ has delightful fragrant, double flowers in a deep rich aubergine, contrasting with mid-green, toothed foliage. It’s perfect for a mixed border and is excellent for cutting.
H x S: 120 x 80cm

Rosa 'Burgundy Ice'
This floribunda rose has double blooms in a deep plum, with velvety petals toned with pink and silvery hues, and a delicate fragrance. It's excellent for cutting - deadhead regularly to ensure it flowers throughout the season.