Orange roses to grow
Discover six of the best orange roses to grow, in our feature.
Orange roses come in a range of hues, varying in intensity. Some of the lighter cultivars are tinged with pink or yellow, making them ideal for delicate, subtle colour schemes. The deepest orange roses border on red, bringing heat and drama to border designs.
We recommend six of the best orange roses, below.
Rosa 'Lady Emma Hamilton'
Rosa 'Lady Emma Hamilton' bears dark red buds that open to orange flowers with a fruity fragrance. With an upright growth habit, it's a good choice for growing in a mixed herbaceous border, but it also works in more formal settings, such as a rose bed.
Height x spread: 1.2m x 1m.

Rosa 'Lady Marmalade'
Voted Rose of the Year 2014, Rosa 'Lady Marmalade' is a repeat flowering floribunda rose, bearing clusters of tangerine-orange flowers with a pretty yellow centre and a spicy fragrance. Grow it in a mixed ornamental border or container.
H x S: 90 x 70cm.

Rosa 'Buff Beauty'
Rosa 'Buff Beauty' is a repeat-flowering hybrid musk rose, bearing huge trusses of fully double, lightly scented apricot flowers from July to September. Perfect for growing in a mixed sunny border or formal rose garden, it can also be tied to support and trained as a small climber.
H x S: 1.5 x 1.5m.

Rosa 'Perfect Pet'
This repeat-flowering floribunda rose bears fully double, apricot-yellow blooms from June until late autumn. It's perfect for a mixed ornamental border or container.
H x S: 90 x 60cm.

Rosa 'Super Trouper'
Rosa 'Super Trouper' is a repeat-flowering floribunda rose, bearing mandarin-orange blooms with a mild fragrance. Compact and with a tidy habit, it's perfect for growing at the front of the border or in pots.
H x S: 1m x 1m.

Rosa 'Fellowship'
Rosa 'Fellowship' is a floribunda rose, bearing cup-shaped, double, orange flowers with a good fragrance. It's an ideal choice for small gardens and containers.
H x S: 90 x 60cm.