Scented-leaf geraniums (pelargoniums) are beautiful plants, with a variety of scents, including lemon and rose. The fragrance is released when the leaves are gently rubbed between the fingers. You can use the leaves to infuse desserts and cordials.


Scented geraniums can be expensive to buy, but are easy to propagate from cuttings.

You Will Need

  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost
  • Perlite
  • 10cm pots
  • Secateurs
  • Jar of water
  • Pencil or dibber

Total time: 20 minutes

Step 1

Taking pelargonium cuttings - mixing compost with perlite
Taking geranium cuttings - mixing compost with perlite

Step 2

Taking pelargonium cuttings - taking the cuttings
Taking geranium cuttings - taking the cuttings

Step 3

Taking pelargonium cuttings - cuttings in water
Taking geranium cuttings - cuttings in water

Step 4

Taking pelargonium cuttings - removing the lower leaves
Taking geranium cuttings - removing the lower leaves

Step 5

Taking pelargonium cuttings - cutting below a node
Taking geranium cuttings - cutting below a node

Make a final cut just below a leaf node at the base of the cutting with a sharp knife.

Step 6

Taking pelargonium cuttings - inserting the cutting into compost
Taking geranium cuttings - inserting the cutting into compost

Insert the bottom half in a pot of cuttings compost. Water well and place in a well-lit spot.
