How to take fuchsia cuttings
Find out how to propagate tender and hardy fuchsias from cuttings, in our how-to guide.
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Fuchsias are beautiful plants, suitable for growing in the border or in pots and hanging baskets. Not all fuchsias are hardy, so to prevent winter losses, it's a good idea to take cuttings from them in summer. Taking cuttings is also an easy way to increase your stock of plants.
How to take fuchsia cuttings
Choose healthy stems and trim off excess leaves. Dip the ends in rooting powder, if desired, and insert in pots of cuttings or multi-purpose compost with extra grit added.
In this video guide, Alan Titchmarsh demonstrates how to take softwood cuttings from fuchsia plants in summer.
Follow our step-by-step guide to taking fuchsia cuttings, below.
You Will Need
- Sharp knife
- Hormone rooting powder
- Small terracotta pot
- A propagator or plastic bag
Total time: 20 minutes
Step 1

Choose healthy stems and remove a 7cm-long section from each with a sharp knife. Choose non-flowering shoots or pinch off the flower buds.
Step 2

Remove the lower leaves and side shoots, then cut cleanly below the leaf joint. Cuttings should have one or two pairs of leaves.
Step 3

Fill a small plastic pot with seed and cuttings compost or multi-purpose compost with extra horticultural grit added. Insert the cuttings around the edge of the pot. Water well and allow to drain.
Step 4

Place the pot of cuttings in a warm propagator or cover with a clear plastic bag, sealing it with an elastic band. Keep on a warm windowsill out of direct sunlight, and remove the lid or bag once you can see signs of new growth. Pot into individual pots after a couple of weeks.