Join your fellow Subscriber Club members sowing the first two free packets of seeds from our Six Months of Seeds campaign. The chillies are best sown as soon as possible to make bushy plants and give you lots of chillies from late summer.


Your January seed pack contains our healthy eating duo, worth £4.95

  • Chilli ‘de Cayenne’ - classic red fruits, nicely spicy, the ideal heat for stews, soups, stir fries and salads
  • Rocket ‘Tricia’ - fast-growing and full of flavour, your leaves will be ready to eat in as little as five weeks

More advice on growing chillies

Growing chillies can be an addictive business and there are many different varieties to choose from. We've put together a collection of features and projects to help you cultivate an entire collection of chilli plants.

Six Months of Seeds - January Extras

Get cracking now, with the help of our step-by-step video guides to sowing your chilli seeds, below.

You Will Need

  • Chilli seed, free with your January 2021 subscriber issue
  • Multi-purpose compost
  • Sieve
  • Watering can with rose attachment
  • Pencil or dibber
  • Plant label

Step 1

Pour multi-purpose compost into a small pot. Gently tamp it level about 1cm below the rim, to leave room for watering.

Step 2

Place the seeds about 3cm apart on the surface. Cover lightly with more compost, ideally using a sieve to remove any lumps.

Step 3

Water using a small watering can with a rose, so the seeds are not dislodged. Place in a warm spot and keep the compost just moist.

Step 4

Once your seedlings have germinated, you need to prick them out. Gather a new pot for each one, fresh multi-purpose compost and a dibber. Fill each new pot with compost.

Step 5

Holding a seedling by a leaf, use the dibber to lever it out of the compost, taking care to bring all roots with it.

Step 6

Make a hole in the centre of the new pot and lower in the seedling. Plant a little deeper than it was previously, for strong growth.

Step 7

Water your newly transplanted seedling and place in a warm, bright spot.

Coming up - more free seeds

February 2021: Dahlia and echinacea

February: Dahlia and Echinacea - Six Months of Seeds
February: Dahlia and echinacea - Six Months of Seeds

Colour made easy with our February double pack, worth £5.20

  • Dahlia Mignon Mixed - loved by bees and butterflies, these colourful, compact plants are ideal for pots and borders
  • Echinacea Large flowered - beautiful in summer borders, with elegant, lance-shaped leaves and large daisy-like blooms. The long stems make them ideal for cut flowers

March: Pollinator mix and sunflower

March: Pollinator mix and Sunflower - Six Months of Seeds
March: Pollinator mix and sunflower - Six Months of Seeds

Perfect for pollinators, our March packs are worth £5.50

  • Pollinator Mix - a wildlife-friendly mix of beautiful flowers, rich in nectar and pollen
  • Sunflower Sunburst Mix - super-easy to grow, the cheery large flowerheads are a magnet for pollinators and the seeds are a great source of food for birds later in the year

April: Tomato and basil

April: Tomato and Basil - Six Months of Seeds
April: Tomato and basil - Six Months of Seeds

The taste of summer. Packs worth £4.80

  • Tomato 'Red Cherry' - heavy crops of small fruits with delicious, sweet fruits flavour. Can be grown outside or in an unheated greenhouse
  • Basil 'Lettuce Leaf' - this unusual basil bears enormous, frilly-edged leaves, which have a sweet aromatic flavour you can enjoy all summer long

May: Cosmos and carrot

May: Cosmos and Carrot - Six Months of Seeds
May: Cosmos and carrot - Six Months of Seeds

A couple of classics in this double pack worth £5

  • Cosmos 'Purity' - this much-loved favourite will give you a dazzling display of large white flowers right through summer. Also great for cut flowers
  • Carrot 'Royal Chantenay 3' - sow direct in the ground, or in containers. Kids will love growing and eating this fast-growing variety and the small, sweet roots are delicious cooked whole

June: Zinnia and cornflower

June: Zinnia and Cornflower - Six Months of Seeds
June: Zinnia and Cornflower - Six Months of Seeds

Get speedy results with this colourful couple, worth £4.80

  • Zinnia 'Early Wonder' – large dahlia-like blooms in a mix of showy, vibrant colours
  • Cornflower 'Blue Ball' - easy to grow, with masses of bee-friendly blooms, cornflowers are the perfect cottage garden flower