Spring is the ideal time to repot fleshy water lilies into slightly larger pots, helping them to grow better. Repotting with fresh compost increases nutrients to the plant, while a larger pot stops the roots from becoming congested.


Once you've repotted your lily, gradually reintroduce it to the pond, over a few weeks. Place the pot on a temporary shelf of upturned pots or bricks in the pond, and lower the basket gradually, as the leaf stems get longer. Plunging it straight back in the pond may cause any new surface leaves to rot.

Aquatic plants come into growth later than perennials grown in borders, because water warms up more slowly than soil. Repot water lilies when you see signs of regrowth after winter.

You Will Need

  • Aquatic planting basket
  • Aquatic compost
  • Hessian
  • Secateurs
  • Stones
  • Watering can

Total time: 30 minutes

Step 1

How to repot a water lily - Adding aquatic compost to the pot
How to repot a water lily - Adding aquatic compost to the pot

Line the new aquatic basket with hessian to stop the new compost seeping out. The hessian will rot as the roots establish and can hold the compost in the pot. Add a layer of fresh aquatic compost to the bottom.

Step 2

How to repot a water lily - taking the water lily out of the old pot
How to repot a water lily - taking the water lily out of the old pot

Cut away roots that have grown through the original pot, and then knock the plant out and clean up any old leaf stems from the main crown.

Step 3

How to repot a water lily - replanting the lily in the new pot
How to repot a water lily - replanting the lily in the new pot

Place the plant on to the layer of aquatic compost in the new mesh basket, and then back fill with more. Firm in gently, leaving at least 3cm from the rim, so you can add stones to the top.

Step 4

How to repot a water lily - watering the lily in
How to repot a water lily - watering the lily in

Add a thick layer of stones to weigh down the compost and stop it spilling out into the pond. Then soak the basket with rain water to fill any air gaps, which will stop the plant dislodging as you lower it into the water.
