By protecting your herbs over winter you can prevent losses due to waterlogging and frost. Follow our simple guide to prolonging the life of your herbs, before the hard frosts arrive.


Want to keep herbs going through winter? In this No Fuss video guide, Alan Titchmarsh demonstrates the simple process of lifting herbs for winter to grow indoors on the kitchen windowsill. This nifty technique can also be used for other perennial herbs like mint, marjoram (oregano) and lemon grass:

You Will Need

  • Fleece
  • Plastic sheet or bubblewrap
  • Bricks
  • 'Pot feet'

Step 1

How to protect herbs over winter - moving the pot close to a wall
How to protect herbs over winter - moving the pot close to a wall

Wet conditions kill more herbs in winter than the cold, so place container-grown perennials such as oregano, thyme, sage and rosemary in a sheltered position against a wall or the side of the house or garage. This will reduce the amount of rainfall hitting the pot by around 25 per cent.

Step 2

Protecting herbs in winter - weighing the pot to see if it needs watering
Protecting herbs in winter - weighing the pot to see if it needs watering

Avoid overwatering container-grown herbs by lifting each pot to assess its weight. If the compost is too dry, the pot will be light, so water the plant sparingly in the morning (not at night as the water may freeze). If the pot is heavy, the compost is too wet, so raise the pot off the ground to allow it to drain.

Step 3

Protecting herbs in winter - pruning evergreen herbs into a dome shape
Protecting herbs in winter - pruning evergreen herbs into a dome shape

Trim evergreen herbs into a dome shape (it's a good idea to remove any remaining flowers in the process). This will help to protect them from high winds or snow. Don't prune back too hard, as this will create deep cuts that may not heal.

Step 4

Protecting herbs in winter - raising the pot onto bricks
Protecting herbs in winter - raising the pot onto bricks

Raise terracotta pots off the ground, either standing them on bricks, 'pot feet' or on blocks of wood. This will expose the pots' drainage holes, allowing them to drain more freely than if placed directly on the floor. Because water expands when it freezes, this action may also prevent pots from cracking.

Step 5

Protecting herbs in winter - wrapping the plant in fleece

Use horticultural fleece or hessian to protect container-grown olives and bay trees from hard frost. As well as wrapping the leaves, it's important to also fix a thick layer of bubble wrap around the pot itself, as the delicate plant roots may be touching the inside of the pot.

Step 6

Protecting herbs in winter - harvesting basil
Protecting herbs in winter - harvesting basil

Place basil and other tender herbs in a well-lit, frost-free position, but be wary of windowsills as temperatures much below 5°C will kill them. Avoid watering these plants in the evening so they don't have wet roots at night, and harvest basil leaves from the top, not from the sides. Open greenhouses and cold frames during the day if temperatures are warm.

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