Autumn are spring are the ideal times to plant herbaceous perennials. If planted in autumn they can get established in the warm soil before winter sets in, and autumn rain should keep the soil moist. They should then romp away in spring. If planted in spring, the soil will be reliably moist and temperatures continually warming, to help plants establish well.


You can also lift and divide herbaceous perennials, if they have become old and tired. Another option is to buy good sized, well-established plants in large pots (2-3 litres) and divide them straight away.

Follow our four easy steps on how to plant perennials, below.

You Will Need

  • Spade
  • Well-rotted manure or garden compost

Total time: 20 minutes

Step 1

Digging a hole to plant the shrub
Digging a hole to plant the shrub

Clear the area of weeds, taking care to remove the roots of any perennial weeds, and dig a hole just slightly larger than the pot or clump.

Step 2

Planting a shrub
Planting a shrub

Set the plant in the hole at the same depth it was growing previously. If it’s completely dormant and has no top growth, mark its location with a small stake or label. Then you’ll know where it is when weeding or if you want to plant bulbs such as alliums or narcissi nearby for extra colour. Planting bulbs with perennials works well, as the perennials will conceal the dying bulb foliage.

Step 3

Watering the shrub
Watering the shrub

Backfill with soil around the roots, firming it in with your fingers. Even with small plants, it pays to backfill and firm in a couple of times to eliminate air pockets, as these can cause root death. Water in thoroughly and top up with more soil if it settles. When planting several perennials, check how wide they’ll grow, so they don’t end up overcrowded or flopping onto a nearby path or lawn.

Step 4

Mulching around the shrub
Mulching around the shrub

Spread a thick mulch of well-rotted manure or garden compost around your newly planted perennial. This will help to retain moisture around its roots and deter weeds from germinating. Then keep an eye on it over the winter months to ensure it doesn’t get damaged by the weather. Some additional watering may be required throughout its first year in the ground, especially in any hot or dry spells.


Low maintenance herbaceous perennials to plant
