Spring is a good time to plant flowering evergreen shrubs like this Daphne odora, in mild conditions.


Daphnes aren't the only flowering evergreens you could plant. Others include the bottle brush plant, Callistemon citrinus, a richly scented Pittosporum tobira, or a shade-suited strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo). Mulch with compost after planting, but avoid stem rot by making sure soil or mulch does not cover the main stem.

Discover how easy it is to plant a flowering evergreen shrub, in just three steps, below.

You Will Need

  • Flowering evergreen shrub
  • Multi-purpose, peat-free compost

Step 1

How to plant a flowering evergreen shrub - adding compost to the planting hole
How to plant a flowering evergreen shrub - adding compost to the planting hole

Dig a hole that's 50 per cent wider than the pot and fork compost into the base, making sure the hole depth equals the depth of the pot.

Step 2

How to plant a flowering evergreen shrub - teasing out the roots
How to plant a flowering evergreen shrub - teasing out the roots

Soak the plant before planting and soak the hole too, making both thoroughly wet. Tease out the roots from the bottom of the plant.

Step 3

How to plant a flowering evergreen shrub - planting the plant
How to plant a flowering evergreen shrub - planting the plant

Place the plant in the centre and turn it to display its best side before backfilling with soil and firming in thoroughly.
