While they are great aphid eaters, earwigs also devour young shoots and in midsummer will feed on the petals of your prize blooms, especially dahlias.


A simple straw trap, made from a plastic pot and placed on top of a cane, allows you to collect them and move them elsewhere. You can also use this method to attract earwigs to plants that you'd like them to remain on.

Discover how to make earwig traps in just three steps, below.

You Will Need

  • Soft string or twine
  • Bamboo cane
  • Plastic pot
  • Straw

Step 1

How to make earwig traps - winding string around the cane
How to make earwig traps - winding string around the cane

Wind some string around the upper part of the cane a few times to stop the pot slipping down once it’s balanced on top.

Step 2

How to make earwig traps - filling the pot with straw
How to make earwig traps - filling the pot with straw

Earwigs like a bit of moisture, so stuff the pot with plenty of dampened straw, and fill it well to stop it all falling out.

Step 3

How to make earwig traps - placing the pot on the cane
How to make earwig traps - placing the pot on the cane

Place the cane in your border. Press the pot upside down over the cane at a similar height to the flowers you want to protect.

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