There are several different ways in which you can grow strawberries - by propagating your own from runners, planting bare-root plants, or buying pot-grown plants at the garden centre. Alpine or wild strawberries, and some perpetual or everbearing strawberries (which fruit from July to September) can be raised from seed.


Find out all you need to know about growing strawberries in our strawberry Grow Guide.

Alpine and perpetual strawberries are sown early in the year, grown on and then planted out in the autumn. You'll need patience, though - you'll get a small harvest in the second summer, and a larger one from the third. However once established, alpine strawberries self-seed readily and everbearers can be propagated by runners.

Find out how to harvest strawberries all summer.

Here's how to grow strawberries from seed.

You Will Need

  • Strawberry seeds
  • Peat-free seed compost
  • Seed tray or small pots
  • A heated propagator
  • Large pots

Step 1

Sowing strawberry seed on the surface of the compost
Sowing strawberry seed on the surface of the compost

In February or early March, sprinkle seed sparingly onto damp seed compost in a seed tray. Cover lightly with compost or vermiculite.

Step 2

Place the seed trays in a heated propagator
Place the seed trays in a heated propagator

Place in a propagator (set heated propagators to 18°C). Or cover with clear plastic and place on a warm windowsill. Wait for six weeks.

Step 3

Transplanting strawberry seedlings
Transplanting strawberry seedlings

Once large enough to handle, transplant seedlings, holding gently by the leaves, from the tray to individual small pots or modules.

Step 4

Transplanting young strawberry plants
Transplanting young strawberry plants

Move the young plants into larger pots as they get bigger, which can take a while, and harden them off before planting outside.


Strawberry seeds

Strawberry seeds are very small and difficult to see. Open packets over a piece of paper and check for seeds stuck in the pack. Use a mister to keep the compost moist - a spray from a watering can may dislodge them.

Varieties to try

  • 'Mignonette' - a flavour-packed alpine type
  • 'Yellow Wonder' - a yellow-fruited alpine
  • 'Florian' - a heavy cropping everbearer
  • 'Temptation' - a reliable everbearer
  • 'Golden Alexandria' - an alpine with golden leaves
