How to grow star jasmine
Find out all you need to know about growing trachelospermum (star jasmine), in this practical Grow Guide.
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Plant | yes | yes | yes | yes | ||||||||
Flowers | yes | yes | yes |
Star jasmine (also sometimes known as Chinese jasmine), Trachelospermum jasminoides, is a beautifully scented, evergreen climber. Perfect for growing up a warm wall, or a fence, it's slow growing enough to be planted in a small garden. Plant star jasmine near a seating area where you can enjoy the heady scent of its small, white starry flowers on a warm summer's evening. Although star jasmine grows best in a sunny location, it will cope well in partial shade.
How to grow star jasmine at home
Grow star jasmine in well-drained soil in a sheltered spot, such as against a south-facing wall. Water regularly and feed once a week during the growing season. Although star jasmine is self-clinging, you may need to tie in young shoots to trellis or other form of support, until it's established.
More on growing star jasmine:
Follow our detailed guide to growing star jasmine, below.
Where to grow star jasmine

For best results grow this evergreen jasmine in well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade, with protection from cold, drying winds. Provide some support to plants to encourage them to grow in the desired direction. Star jasmine doesn't require deep soil to grow well, and can be grown successfully in pots.
Here, Monty plants a star jasmine to increase fragrance to a seating area at Longmeadow:
How to plant star jasmine

Dig a generous hole, adding plenty of grit and well-rotted compost, plus a sprinkling of mycorrhizal fungi. Back fill and firm the soil before watering well.
Watch Monty Don repot a star jasmine in this video clip from Gardeners' World:
Propagating star jasmine

Propagate star jasmine by layering in spring or take cuttings in summer and autumn.
Star jasmine: problem solving

When grown outdoors, trachelospermum is relatively trouble-free. Plants might succumb to phytopthora root rot in very heavy soils and damp conditions. Look out for glasshouse pests such as red spider mite, whitefly, mealybug and scale insect, if growing trachelospermum in a conservatory.
Looking after star jasmine

Water trachelospermum regularly and feed with a liquid fertiliser every month through the growing season. In winter, plants don't need much watering. To train your trachelospermum upwards, provide canes set at an angle to the wall or fence, or a trellis. A self-clinging climber, trachelospermum won't need much attention once established. In spring tie in stray shoots so they twine in the right direction or cut and shape as required.
Star jasmine varieties to grow

- Trachelospermum jasminoides – the classic star jasmine is a woody, evergreen climber with rich, dark green leaves which turn bronze in winter. The scented white flowers appear from mid- to late summer
- Trachelospermum asiaticum – the Chinese jasmine is not reliably hardy so needs winter protection, or it can be grown indoors in a conservatory. It bears the typical jasmine-scented, cream-white, flowers from mid- to late-summer, with dark evergreen leaves
- Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Ogon Nishiki’ – this Asian variety has variegated leaves, with gold, yellow and white contrast that also have good autumn colouring. It can be used as a climber, but needs good support, or can be grown as ground cover. It's not fully hardy, and has a milky sap that can irritate the skin
- Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Variegatum' – the evergreen foliage has a pale cream variegation at the margins of the leaves